Whats the best song to listen to when your high?


Active Member
im only asking your opinions, dont argue! :P ..
whats the best song to listen to when youre:
1. getting ready to smoke.
2. smoking.
3. relaxing after smoking.

and what type of mood does it put you in?


SilasZaneB:7334284 said:
im only asking your opinions, dont argue! :P ..
whats the best song to listen to when youre:
1. getting ready to smoke.
2. smoking.
3. relaxing after smoking.

and what type of mood does it put you in?
Getting ready to smoke I like upbeat music like fireworks, pumped up kicks, Allstar by smashmouth.
Smoking I like chopped and screwed music like rollin by lil wayne, tunchie's back by lil wayne, me and my drank by lil wayne... I love lil wayne
After finishing the blunt ill listen to eyes on fire by blue foundation, bonfires by blue foundation, someone like you by adele, I miss you by beyonce or some dubstep. :D

Still Blazin87

Well-Known Member
Alborosie- Still Blazing


still blazing still blazing still blazing haha i love this shit


Mine was "Stairway To Heaven" and "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin back in the late 1970's. (I'm old school!)
I would lay on the floor with my little bookcase speakers on each side of my head pressed against my ears. (I was poor, and that's all I had for playing my tunes from the cassette recorder)

The Kayaman

Well-Known Member
1.Any song by Bob Marley
2.Any song by Bob Marley
3.Any song by Bob Marley

Not to be a smart ass thats just how i do it, i advise all ganja smokers to try it, can take you on some trippy thought journeys that may end with a sudden realisation or higher understanding for life or your own mind. Can leave you feeling very enlightened and with a strong love for Bob Marley. :D