whats the best

We Love 1

New Member
whats the best/cheap soil i can get for my plants ??? websites will help ...thanks
Look into soilless mix!

Its a peat moss based product that is considered actually hydroponics because it doesn't contain soil! But it does has similar, if not better, properties of soil. I find that its easier to control the nute uptake with soilless mix too because You take more guessing out of the equation.

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South Texas

Well-Known Member
READ about Ocean Floor. Dude, made my dick hard! That shit is right on for the best of the best. However, rich boys & girls can sit at the 'Puter & order to their heart's desire. However, there is a better, cheaper way to go about this. Major mistake, trying to second guess a plants need, as opposed to "Building the perfect Beast", The Soil. You need to make 2 stops. One, the local Grocery store, to get Whole Ground/Stone Ground Corn Meal, not the bleached. enriched shit, Molasses, pure, 100% natural, and final item, Epsom Salt. Cheap shit. Then get dressed in sorry looking clothes, wallow in dirt like a Rootin' Pig, then head to the Local Nursery. Here's where you get the good all-organic Potting soil, Compost, Fish Emulsion, Greensand & liquid Seaweed. If possible, grab a bottle of Super Thrive. Pearl lite is a must, no peat moss..., it kills microbial shit in your soil that gives the plant a healthy immunity system, which allows your Babies to fight off bad shit, without all the BS after the fact precautions, etc. In the mean time, get with the local Rabbit Raisers, Mushroom Grower, or access to big, fat cow paddies, as a base/60% of the perfect beast. For 09 grow prep, a Lb. of on-line ordered red wiggle worms is cool. See Dr. Doctor.com for additional shit. Lady Bug, Medina, Living Earth, Black Kow products can be trusted with your Babies.Worms don't like poultry manure, but it's great if no worms are involved. Learn why the items above is needed, & when, then build your perfect beast. I mix my shit in 5'ft. Kiddie Pools. Metal post will sprout in a good soil. Good Luck.