What were they before they were reptilians? Why did they change? When did all of this start, was it during the stone age? What is their ultimate objective? Do they really think demons and angles exist? What kind of magic were people being taught, and why isn't any of it seen today. With the world wide web, it would seem to be very easy for people to communicate about missing persons who are supposedly being sacrificed, why don't we hear about it. Do they just take bums off of the street that no one knows or cares about? What is a stargate and what does it do? Has a stargate ever been created? Is their religion real, or is it really fake but they just believe it is real.
Great responses, keep them coming. This is fun.
I think you mis understood me with the reptilian thing. What i'm trying to say here is that in the old times of the aztec, egypt so and so they worshiped and belived in "Gods" these are not gods but demons. Now we believe in extra terrestrial and other nonsense. If someone tells you i saw an alien i can give you a 100% guarantee it was a demon. Do demons and angels exist? Yes! There lives two good djinns in the house i live in. Demons have their own free will just like us, they have religion they get married etc.
When did this start and what is the goal. It is hard to say exactly when this started but i will tell you what their goal is. If you look at the one dollar bill you will find the masonic pyramid with an eye above the pyramid. the eye has not come down yet. The god they believe in will not come unless they finish the masonic project. Now what is the project? It is as it says under the pyramid novus ordo seclorum or new world order. What is important to note here is that if you translate this into Arabic you will find out that it means new temporal order or new wordy order. This means that the goal is the secularization of the whole world.
Now who is this one eyed got they belive in? Ever seen or heard of the eye of ra the Egyptian sun god? Ever wonder why people go to church on SUNday and how the government makes it sacred by law? Now the most interesting part comes here. The Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him who the Muslims believe to be the last messenger of the one and only Creator has warned us that upen the last days of the earth Dajjal will come. He will live on earth for 40 days one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week and the rest of the days like human days. And he will be released onto the earth in my life time. Now according to Islam one heavenly year is like 1000 years from this we can understand that the day witch is like a year Brittan was hes headquarters and ruled for a 1000 years by no confidence the Brittis monarchy dates back to the year 900 and the sterling pound was the international currency. 1000 + 900 = 1900 in 1917 America officially enters the world war, and this is the step that establishes it as the new global super power and the dollar was the internassonal currency 1000 / 12 is 83 . 1917 + 83 = the year 2000 then dajjal moves from the day like a month to the day like a week so following the same formula it would be 83 / 4 witch equals 21 years so what this means is that in around 2020-2021 Isreal will be the new super power. But what currency will the use? Electronic money. they own the banks already so with electronic money they will have even more power.
Dajjal means the one eyed deciver. Do you think it is a concidence that they have used the one eye as their symbol?
Is their religon real? There are a few false theorys out there that says the elite created religon as a tool for controll but this is bullshit. If you where to call them somthing it would be a lucifarian. Now there are a lot of satanis out there who dont belive in God or the devil. The first rule of satasim is simply Do as thou wilt. however theise guys are not your avrage satanist.
You have probarly heard of "white" and "black" magic but the truth is there is no sutch thing as "white" magic. Magic is magic. It is used to do ill stuff. For example create discord beetwen cupules or do make a person ill.
Stargate is just a metaphor. Is it created when they do their rutuals and open up and connect the dimensons for the demons and our dimenson. The two pillars of Solomons tempel represtens the dark dimenson and the other the light. The twin towers come from this. and you have "the gate" inbetween look up some photoes on google and you will find how the two towers line up with another building that looks just like a gate.
As i said earlier they are occult this means secret or hidden they dont show themselves to us. to give you an example lets take freemasonary. You have the lower grades who dont know any of their secrets, they have their boys club and do charity work etc. Those are the guys we see. But the highest ranking onces who actually are the real masions are hidden just like a smoke screen to cower them.
The use of sacrifices are common however i dont know what kind of people they take. for example the chatolic priests rape the innocent street kids that noone knows about. They own this whole fucking place, everything they do as they wish. They have climed the latter though the pracetise of demon worship.