What's the cut off point between "curvy" and….

Oh, it's ooooon.

Started jogging again, just a coupe times so far and only inside because it's too sloppy on the trails I like to jog outside on here. The snow will be melted soon.

Um, doing aquafit, zumba, yoga, pilates, box-fit I have yet to try, but it's on the docket for next week.

I got all the sweet gear and I've done my first few laps of the pool in 25 years! haha

My week 1 of the new excer program went off without too many hitches! I don't think I got 10,000 steps on my rest days, but close enough!

Oh, and 2 long hikes outside!
Wow! You are on it! I've only been to the gym once this month before I took ill and even then it was just half an hour to break me in. I ached for days!!
I used to do body pump which is a great weights class. Boxercise was good also.
I can't believe that you are waiting for snow to melt. I'm already sunbathing and it gets dark at 9pm nearly. Beach weather for me will be from june onwards though. That's why I've started the gym now! I've got about 2 months!! Oh no!! :/
Wow! You are on it! I've only been to the gym once this month before I took ill and even then it was just half an hour to break me in. I ached for days!!
I used to do body pump which is a great weights class. Boxercise was good also.
I can't believe that you are waiting for snow to melt. I'm already sunbathing and it gets dark at 9pm nearly. Beach weather for me will be from june onwards though. That's why I've started the gym now! I've got about 2 months!! Oh no!! :/
Yeah, but your current body is what I hope to ATTAIN by going to the gym now. You got a tight little package!
Yeah, but your current body is what I hope to ATTAIN by going to the gym now. You got a tight little package!
When you work out, your body builds muscle memory. This means that when you get back into the gym, it kind of remembers it's previous condition. I started at 15 in the gym and swam a lot too. This is how I've been able to get away with not going for years. However it catches up with you eventually and for me now it feels like now or never! :)
When you work out, your body builds muscle memory. This means that when you get back into the gym, it kind of remembers it's previous condition. I started at 15 in the gym and swam a lot too. This is how I've been able to get away with not going for years. However it catches up with you eventually and for me now it feels like now or never! :)
So you're telling me I need one of these...


Swimming is TOUGH. I've never been a swimmer, but I know how good it is for you. I'm practicing, I can do a couple lengths/ laps. Whatever you call it. But I get out of breath. And I feel all panicky that I can't breath all the times I want to. I'm sure it's just practice.
Hooka can help you with some belly class moves, ask for a link. I've got a couple of moves too! :)
Are you asking for moves to do for your belly? Guuuurrrllll I will tear your belly UP! The key is to ISOLATE the ab muscles (at least for bellydance anyway) but it gets your stomach very toned if you do it right. Espeially the oblique muscles,

are you asking me for specific links to belly dance moves to strengthen abs? I can supply you w/ those. Let me know.
I disagree with that second picture big girls got rolls which make a curve so a really big girl has like 3 rolls on the chin, back titties, love handles, back rolls, a roll you need to lift to see the pussy, a roll on the pussy, a big round ass and even some rolls on the legs. Now that equals a whole lot of woman.:bigjoint:
So you're telling me I need one of these...

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Swimming is TOUGH. I've never been a swimmer, but I know how good it is for you. I'm practicing, I can do a couple lengths/ laps. Whatever you call it. But I get out of breath. And I feel all panicky that I can't breath all the times I want to. I'm sure it's just practice.
That breath thing will change. I smoked for many years and found when I started swimming I would just about die...then I lost 10 lbs and everything changed...you still not smoking? Because I have chronic low back pain, I have to work longer to accomplish less because I can't push hard...it would be good if you could get on an elliptical or something that makes you sweat and gets the heart pounding...I always medicate before I leave the house...
AGREE 100%

But, and this might make me kind of a dick - I think fit chicks are way hotter than fatties.

Same with dudes.

Personality counts for so much - I agree. But if we are going on pictures alone - give me some ripped abs, sculpted shoulders, and ass for days.
I'll take a big girl with a pretty face over a fit girl with an ugly face any day and personality is the biggest but too fat is a problem. My girl wasn't even that big when we hooked up but now she has gained some weight but I love her I can get a better looking girl no problem, but one I can actually trust? Fuck no she'd have to be just the right kind of crazy really like a 1 in a 1,000 pheno. :bigjoint:

Of course some idiots just want a dumb ass trophy wife but I want a down ass bitch who won't cheat and girls fussing about how they look is fucking annoying. But some like it, the way I see it models are nice to look at but someone needs to deal with her bullshit and better them then me.:bigjoint:
so... are these guys curvy?
Fat fucks.

I don't mind a stalky/ thicker dude. Same as ladies, not everyone is naturally rail thin.

I just care about confidence, and health.

If you are chubby, but you exercise and eat decent and are comfortable in your own skin with your shirt off, that's awesome.

I had an ex that wore a t-shirt in the pool.

What the hell does wet t-shirt hide????

Not a fuckin' lot, that's for sure. That tubby bitch wasn't hiding nothin. He was also uber lazy and cheated on me. Hence why I don't feel that bad calling him a tubby bitch.
In societies where famine and starvation happened, the idea of a fat woman would imply health, like in Europe at some points of the middle ages. In latin america, in places of great poverty and hunger, fat women is the idea of beauty and health, mainly cause being tiny, skinny and underfed is the "normal" appearance. Being overweight is still one of the states prime health issues? I know Mexico is coming to take that throne, they be getting hefty in D.F.
That's why it's called "ancient" as in no longer relevant.

Thickness is still relevant and is seen ad being healthy. The figure is morbidly obese but the emphasis on tits and hips and ass is pretty muuch what we emphasize today. So it is far from no longer relevant.

Also, the figure represents, supposedly, fertility, not "sexy" or "cute". So don't get the two confused.

this, supposedly, is the ancient idea of fertility…

she does look like she can eat!
There is a woman where I go swimming that looks like that. The first time I saw her I thought her lips were hanging out because of f the way her thighs roll together and her bathing suit came to a v.