Whats The Deal Wit Legal Bud????


Well-Known Member
Salvia?!!! No way. It can definitely make you wanna give up drugs completely, it wasnt my thing, itd give me bad trips too easy. People laughing from watching you, it will piss you off and make you want to take them out, its really crazy. The first time was great, i couldnt stop laughing, and i was laughing so hard i was crying, they thought i was freakin out, but i was sooooo happy! But then i tried it with some friends to share the experience, so of course i had to go first... well they started messin with me, gettin loud and talking, and it pissed me off that they werent listening and wouldnt shut up, so i started cussing them. But its not you talking, its a whole nother world, SERIOUSLY!!! Ive been in 3 different places at the same time, like i was sitting on the couch, and i had 3 laps, each was sitting in different parts of the house, i could morph back and forth, its honestly an outerbody experience if you hit it hard enough. I couldnt see someone having it as a habit though, just something to experience.
hah im talkin about the legal weed..t was a joke


Active Member
Heres some advice for Arkansas boy
come to memphis to pick up your cheap quarterpounders with no seeds :)
well if your gettin a qp you'll prob have some seeds but i just like sayin that cuz it rhymes with cheese...get it?
but yea dude think bout it your in a hot spot to sell. drive to memphis get your weed for 20 1/4 then go back an sell it 30 boom shakalaka location location location
and dont bring the meth with you they smoke crack over in these here parts lol