whats the deal with feminized seeds


Active Member
ive been reading through and saw some people say they are like transvestites and ave male/female traits

so whats that about lol can anyone explain and should i buy some seeds and hope i get some females or buy the feminized seeds


Well-Known Member
feminized seeds are created by breeding two females together. in order to do that you have to make the female grow male glands to pollinate the female. Most growers use an acid that stresses the plant causing males glands to grow at specific nods on one of the female plants they wish to breed. so create femanized seeds you have to force a female to become hermie. This does not always mean you will get hermies off the feminized seeds and many people have had differant experinces


Well-Known Member
just watch your plants closely and dont put them through too much stress and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
so i should be ok using feminized seeds lol and i thought marijuana was all natural

No, they're twice the money and do have hermie traits present in the genes. Buy twice as many non-feminized seeds and you'll get about 50/50 females anyway, and they won't have weakened genetics.

Don't buy "feminized" seeds, they are NOT worth the money.


Well-Known Member
I got regular seeds... 7/7 of my plants Female. I got lucky i guess :)

But you will get a female out of 10 seeds For sure.


Well-Known Member
just so everyone knows you can make almost any female grow male "balls". I agree feminized seeds are expensive and not worth the money but i've also talked to many people that never use clones, and hate dealing with males that live by them, and claim to not have a hermie yet.


Well-Known Member
ive read of a way to make fem seeds organically without acid or w/e. its call rodelization(if i spelled if right lol) and its simply letting the buds go for an extra 2-3 weeks past optimum harvest. the plant knows its life is ending soon and it produces "bananas"-male pollen to try and fertilize its self and grow again next year. you collect and apply the pollen to your next crop/ ready females that are 2-3 weeks or so into the 12/12 cycle. then you get fem seeds from that process. i hope that helped someone, and if im wrong about something please correct me because i have never done it and have only read about it. God bless everyone:peace:


Active Member
My last batch of 10 fem seeds got me 9 females and 1 hermie.

I flowered the hermie and it was some of the mosy resin packed buds ever - great stone. I just picked all the balls of it everyday :D


Well-Known Member
i dont believe in these feminized seeds, there funny ones, jus make sure ur ph level of water u use to sprout is more acidity, than alkaline, as seeds germinated in alkaline water pre-domanately turn out male :D


Well-Known Member
i dont believe in these feminized seeds, there funny ones, jus make sure ur ph level of water u use to sprout is more acidity, than alkaline, as seeds germinated in alkaline water pre-domanately turn out male :D
has this ever been proven right or wrong. anybody. this is really freaking me out:evil: