Whats the diagnosis, doc?


Posted this in my grow journal thread but i have yet to get one response since i started posting a month ago on my grow. Hopefully i can get some input on my plants here, sorry for the double post mods.
Friday June 01, 2012

So its almost been a month - minus about 7 days - since my seeds took off in the soil and heres where they are at now.
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going from strongest/biggest to smallest/weakest. Some information to note:
Plants have been fed nothing until two days ago(may 30). I fed them a very low dose of some AN nutes, grow/micro. Probalby about a half ml of each for 3 litres of water, which i PHed to about 5.6 but the run off came off 6.3.

Im trying to figure out why the bigger lower leaves are starting to yellow, i cant figure out if its nitrogen deficiency, or overwatering. Im doubting its root bound cause i dont even see roots coming out of the bottom yet. Im leaning towards a nute deficiency because I made sure not to water too frequently waiting up to 5 days before a watering making sure the soil was dry enough an inch down.

The TTxNL's seem to have a weird way of growing, although im guessing its more of a PH issue, which is soon to be resolved since i got my PH meter. If anyone has any input has to what is ailing my plants, please give it this way. For now im going to wait it out and if nothing gets better im going to hit them with more nitrogen rich nutes. Im starting to rule out overwatering since they are actually quite perky and not so droopy(not including one of the TTxNL)
Its weird. Im new at this site and have been growing for a while. Im not sure whats wrong with ur plants or w this site as I'm havin issues that no one wants to respond to... It could be root rot. from too wet of soil or too rich soil for the little seedlings to handle. Thats the beauty of growing... Just pop a few more seeds and try again. :)