whats the diff between wax and oil ( if there is )


I'm not trying to mess it up so I'm learning as much as I can before its time to chop down the ladies. I'd like to make the best I can but don't we all lol. I'm making it to smoke not really to cook with. I'm going to add this thread to my journal so I can look at it as I'm doing it. So if you have hands on with making this please explane what ya used and if that's to make oil or wax and what's the best if its not the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Look through the concentrates and extract section ( this section) there are plenty of threads discussing the differences and processes to make it


Ok I'm going to sit down tonight and read through them. I have someone give me another site to look up so ill go over it tonight and see witch way I'm going to try and if I end up needing help ill be able to point out what I don't understand. Thanks


Well-Known Member
There's 3 basic hash methods, bubble bags can produce easy tasty hash, not all that efficient though its hard to remove all the trichs without getting plant matter, it also won't be quite as pure.. bho is made with butane, its dense and collects so you need to do it outside, being aware that your working around explosive fumes. The butane used needs to be clean, spray on a mirror then evap look for residue and icky mercaptans ect. Its a lot more work I guess. You can look up thermos methods or whatever but but basically butane runs through or soaks in the weed then you evaporate away the butane, to remove it all you should use a vacuum or etoh wash. If you really want heating it using a double boiler or similar can be used to "purge" trace amounts won't do a bit to you, your inhaling butane all the time from your lighter anyway. So the bho has generally highest potency and is selective to the thc and nit picking up any plant matter or chlorophyll...iso is my preferred method, in contrast to bho it is not selective and will result in a more amber or red oil higher in cbds ect. Iso however is not as dangerous as butane and can be done indoors, well ventilated obviously. You also don't have to take the same steps purging it as it evaporates completely clean. 99% iso is what you want, it is very aggressive, you will want to freeze it and the bud to slow chlorophyll pick up. Simply pour over ground bud through filters then wait. It can be made poorly very easily if you let it sit in iso too long. Bho is pretty much fool proof. I recommend iso or bubble bags to beginners. If you want actual detail or explanation of each or even chemistry I can go more into it. But there are a lot of good threads on here and knowledgeable people...also look into winterizing if you want a better product. Peace

Guess I could a put some spaces in there or somethin.lol that's what happens when i get high while typing and start rambling


Well-Known Member
Yo qwiz, you have any pics of your qwISO? Do you do the shake gently 20-30 second method, or the pour directly over and straight threw (Oakley method) or a different one in general?

I too prefer to make qwISO because it's easier to do, easier to obtain the ISO, and it tastes pretty good to me.


Well-Known Member
After temps have stabilized in the freezer. (Buds pre cut/ground) I prefer to leave the buds whole, the more cuts the more spots for iso to make contact with water solubles, though depending on density and things you may have to grind...anyway I put the bud in a wire strainer, and pour iso over it. The strainer holds most of the plant matter but flows quickly to keep the iso and weed from touching for too long. The mesh strainer sits on top of a metal coffee filter. So after the plant matter is seperated for the most part in the strainer it then goes inti a metal coffee filter with paper filter inside.. that's it, Ive done shaking in a mason jar for 10 seconds and while that is most efficient and dose produce a good extract I find a simple flow through like you would bho gives the most pristine extract, after drying and examining under microscope all the trichs have been stripped and only hairs remain...I never heat my extract while evapping , I believe that to be Important to the taste and viscosity of the oil.

That's pretty much it, I only do 1 wash, sometimes I winterize or do the hexane/saline wash.. but it always turns out completely transparent and red, also iso doesn't pull as many fats so if done properly resembles shatter and will shatter if cold and is full melt, I've also used a micron syringe , that will improve clarity even more.well I think that's all

Sorry I can't put up pics, common complaint about me lol


Ok I'm going to do some reading tonight and ill let ya know what I'm going to do so you can give me some pointers . Thanks for explaning it.


Well-Known Member
What would you say your ISO(oz) to bud(g/oz) ratio is? The only time I heat my ISO purge is when it is all evaporated, then I just do a water bath for 30-60 depending on quantity. I too only do 1 wash simply because I think after 20-30 seconds it should of stripped everything I'm looking for. I do usually get a shatter like quality to my ISO, if I heat it up longer it is more of a oil like consistency.

Why can't you put pictures exactly? Here are pictures of my last batch of qwISO.

2013-07-26 00.30.39.jpg2013-07-16 15.33.34.jpg2013-07-16 15.56.58.jpg2013-07-20 03.39.38.jpg2013-07-20 03.42.28.jpg2013-07-20 03.42.35.jpg2013-07-20 03.43.03.jpg2013-07-23 18.40.22.jpg2013-07-23 18.40.37.jpg2013-07-23 18.41.08.jpg2013-07-26 00.30.17.jpg


Well-Known Member
Cause I'm lame, i just use my phone and I got a new one about a month ago, since then it won't let me upload. I've been meaning to make a photobucket or something but haven't gotten around to it..I've never really payed attention cause i have so much of it, but its not an efficient method . I pour over it for about 5 seconds using a bottle for maybe an oz but I'm just guessing.. at harvest I immediately put the fresh buds in the freezer so I never weigh em. I think best flavor and oil comes from fresh bud. Usually comes out looking like a dark ruby when balled. Spread a nice golden amber, never any green when I do it like that.
But I won't heat at all, it evaps clean given enough time, heating makes it lose flavor imo.


Well-Known Member
Ah I see I see, all the pictures I took were with my phone too that's why they came out so-so. Maybe try Tinypic for picture hosting, you don't need a account.

So you literally do a quick wash. Have you ever done a second wash on the material? I've done the Oakley method (which is very similiar to what you do) but I don't really get a good amount of wax at the end and I always feel like there is more leftover..


Well-Known Member
Well I've checked the trichs afterwards and they appear completely stripped, I've done second washes and it pulls mainly waxes and chlorophyll but it does have some potency. I personally can't bring myself to smoke it though, if you use a lot of material I sometimes do a second wash and make hash pills. A lot of people take chlorophyll anyway..if you want the most efficient method a long butane wash is best, I grow landrace sativas though and butane likes to leave a lot of the other cannabinoids, iso gives me a more "medicinal" oil and preserves more terpenes than bho. So I look at it kinda like the middle ground of top notch bubble and bho..iso is smoothest as well taking in less fats

Op I realize I keep mentioning bho and iso and your title is difference between wax and oil..there really isn't that much difference you can turn oil to wax with a vacuum and a bit of heat, I assume since your even asking you don't have proper equipment for making wax, its not that hard though. But I don't care for it and won't be able to help as much as others on here. Wax is easier to work with but oil when done properly prefers to stick to itself and isn't too much of a pain. Again I recommend iso for newbs but it is my preference anyway, bho is easier to get a quality product but really should be winterized and you should also be able to vacuum purge. Iso picks up the full range of cannabinoids and doesn't have to be heated, it can taste like the buds it cane from, it also doesn't like to pick up plant lipids and wax, so winterizing will improve it but not as much...hope you got your answers

People seem to prefer bho or wax if your trying to sell it.. but people also seem to love the looks of bright red qwiso as well


Well-Known Member
Qwizo had good advise on the ISO. IMO ISO>Wax; I haven't lab tested them but I feel a much stronger/cleaner high that cures my ailments better. I just want to stress one more thing Qwizo said well ventilated.

I will add some other IOS ideas though.

I have good luck with submerging buds for up to 1:30. At 1:30 or less the oil is golden or yellow. From 1:45-3:00 the color goes from amber to red. All are potent oil. 3:00 or later started to get green or black. I often make 3 batches similar to how Skunk Pharmacy does ISO. Last weekend I ran 1/2lb of flower and came out with 7g of "morning" oil 14g of "evening" oil and 2g of doggy poo. It works for me to wash again, the meds come out heavier and heavier each time. Tasting less and less like the original plant.

Also I do enjoy cooking down my oil. I like to do a bit of a water release when it comes to accumulation. Recently I have added a ethanol polish and found the extract to be more clean in its burn and smoke. However it has to be done for 48hr+. It does make it oily like grease but I just pour it right into a sticky container and it sticks to itself well and very easy to dab.


Well-Known Member
BluJayz, when you submerge your bud. Do you agitate it? I usually purge my ISO like how Skunk Pharm does it.


Well-Known Member
I realize it wasn't directed towards me but I'm bored:)
Ive noticed when shaking it gets most of the trichs immediately and will turn color. I would have to assume he only submerges them...I decarb without heat and purge without heat to get the tastiest and most potent product.. I only decarb for my hash pills though I don't like edibles


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought so too because I once shook it for that long and yeah not the way to go haha. I'll try just to submerge it next time.


Well-Known Member
BluJayz, when you submerge your bud. Do you agitate it? I usually purge my ISO like how Skunk Pharm does it.
Not shaken or stirred but rolled.

After submerging I put the lid on and roll the jar in my hands gently to mix up the contents. This is done about three times at intervals within the 1:30.

edit: done in the icebox the whole time and rolled on its side for full coverage. I try to get to 1:2 ratio for flower/ISO but 1:1 oz/liter is good.


Well-Known Member
Got any pics? I personally would never go longer than 30 seconds, more like 5 with shaking but I also normally pour over soo..


Well-Known Member
Got any pics? I personally would never go longer than 30 seconds, more like 5 with shaking but I also normally pour over soo..
Sure I can take picture of the finished oil when I get to the kitchen; but they are in sticky tub so I got to find something to shine light through to see the color.

mounds of oil just look black in small containers.