What's the EC of your tap water??


Hey there folks, I'm just getting an idea of what people are seeing in their tap water. As of now, I think my soul pH is a little high causing a nute lockout. I've always notice that if I check tap water, it registers 0.4EC. Is that kid of high? My pH is around the 7.5-8.0 mark- ergo my plants starting to show some signs of deficiency.

Just curious if people have this high a EC for municipal tap water.


Well-Known Member
Mine is 0.2 and considered soft water.

Anything over 0.4 is considered hard water.

I have 5ppm of nitrate in my source water along with 0.25ppm ammonia and 1-2ppm's of phosphates.

There is also fluoride and chlorine.

You could look to see if there are any hard water variations of your nutes available.

Alot of nutrient manufacturers create soft and hard water variations.

You could also look for a cheap RO reverse osmosis filter.



Well, instead of spending more cash on hard water nutes, it's just easier to pH down with my phosphoric acid. But at least I should be getting some cal-mag TDS in the tap water. I Also may look at RO water makers.
In Southern Ont, there is lots of Limestone everywhere, and it finds it's way to lakes where water treatment facilities filter, process and add the Cl &Fl.


Well-Known Member
.2-.3, it varies here. Same as my ph, couple months ago it was coming out almost an even 7 now it comes out 6.3ish