whats the limit to cutting dieing leaves ?


I have a 3 Sour Grapes, only 1 week into vegetative about 5 or 6 inches tall. 2 are perfect, but 1 is not growing at all. The top looks healthy but the 2 largest remaining fan leaves are dieing, showing signs of both nute burns and what looks to be lack of water absorption. I had already removed a completely dead leaf a few days ago. Growing in soil and all levels are reading very good for nutes, light, heat, humidity. 5 other plants in the room with no problems at all.

Can I remove the 2 largest fan leaves?
Would it be better to cut off the dead portions of the leaves?
If I should wait to cut (since the last was removed recently), how long should I wait?

(sorry no pics- no cam at the moment)


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Just let it be, new growth should start and bring new leaves. I wouldn't cut those leaves off bro.