whats the longest you have left your outdoor plants unattended?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone.. just wondering whats the longest you leave your plants unattended? I personally use heavy harvest as a top dressing and then mulch my plants.. they can go for quite some time alone with mother nature caring for them.. each time i go back they are a deep lush green that just says they are healthy and do not need anything.. me personally is 1 month unattended only returned for feeding/minor pruning? what about you


Well-Known Member
the longest i left my plants unattended was like 3 weeks, they were healthy.it was kinda weather depending though..


Well the real problem is more than always gonna be people and not, health related. Quite the sturdy plant that cannabis. So i would say its always when something had to be done mainly just checking to see if its entering flowering as a female, and when its done flowering. The more your around them outside the more odds of someone seeing you drooling over it.


Well-Known Member
I get real nervous after three days! They'd be ok for a week or two but I wouldn't be.
sounds like your doing yourself a disservice,.. if the plant doesn't have to to extend it roots to get ground water and your always there watering it your making your plants weaker and it willl slow the growth


New Member
sounds like your doing yourself a disservice,.. if the plant doesn't have to to extend it roots to get ground water and your always there watering it your making your plants weaker and it willl slow the growth
yea, I don't grow out doors but I always leave the plant without water and wait till it starts to droop before watering it. They get more resistant to being without pretty fast