What's the longest you've seen a sativa go? PICS

Hey all,

I was just wondering what is the longest flowering sativa you've ever seen or heard of.
These pics are of mine at 12 weeks and it just doesn't look done.

I'm going to harvest in 4 days anyway.




New Member
you have flushed right? by the looks of it i would give it another week or two. but i know how tempting it is lol.
you have flushed right? by the looks of it i would give it another week or two. but i know how tempting it is lol.
Yeah, I actually flushed a bit early because I thought it would be done sooner, so for the last 3 weeks I've been watering w/ molasses.

And it's soooooooooooooo tempting... It smells like candy. Delicious, mind-numbing candy!
My thai super skunk from g13 labs took around 14 weeks flowering to finish
My God. You have the patience of a saint. Do you think I'm looking at about 14 weeks to get the best product? Or do you think that if I go this weekend I'll still have a good yield with a good high?


Well-Known Member
Yeah 14 weeks is about as long as I think it should go for a sativa. Maybe just a bit longer if your conditions were a bit off. If you are having a long flowering sativa you think should finish just a little quicker try getting the temp down by like 5 degrees maybe.
Yeah 14 weeks is about as long as I think it should go for a sativa. Maybe just a bit longer if your conditions were a bit off. If you are having a long flowering sativa you think should finish just a little quicker try getting the temp down by like 5 degrees maybe.
Right on, thanks.

I have it in a closet, and I live in the northeast. Temps are good during the day, but the room cools down at night.

Is there any effectiveness to shortening the days by a half hour a week over the last 3 weeks or so, so I know for next time?


New Member
im sure it does lol. idk bout the light though its kinda trial in error at that point ive never heard of shortening the light by 30 a week but i have heard of giving it 24 hours of dark b4 harvest.


Well-Known Member
for my last 2 weeks i do 11 on 13 off as opposed to 12/12,
it would happen in nature all the way until 8 on 16 off where i live

should work fine and give them a slightly earlier finish with no decrease in yield or potency in my experience
Can you give us a bag seed smoke report? It looks delicious.
I will, harvesting in 2 days.

If this stuff is as good as it looks, I'll do a grow journal next time.

Does anyone know offhand what a swollen yellow thing on the outside of the bud would be? A calyx?


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:yo sativa is all i grow and it takes 10 to 16 weeks for total ripeness there good to go after 10 wait 14 and wow some 16 then wow so good u wont be able to smoke it just look at itbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

Pic is attached. I don't see any pollen on my plant anywhere though, which makes me think it's not hermie?

LED: Thanks! You need to have a ton of patience to wait 16 weeks!!!



Well-Known Member

Pic is attached. I don't see any pollen on my plant anywhere though, which makes me think it's not hermie?

LED: Thanks! You need to have a ton of patience to wait 16 weeks!!!
Thats a banana, so it is a hermie. At least it showed up late in the game rather than sooner. Go ahead and pluck it and keep searching for them until you finally chop.
Thats a banana, so it is a hermie. At least it showed up late in the game rather than sooner. Go ahead and pluck it and keep searching for them until you finally chop.

Thanks for the input.

I've done a lot of research and have seen that some sativa strains show the bananas reallllllly late, but are of no concern because they're hollow. I'm chopping in 2 days.

Should I still chance it at pulling off the 6-8 of them, or to hell with it and leave them?

I "popped" a few and there were no seeds, nor any pollen dust.


Active Member
Pic is attached. I don't see any pollen on my plant anywhere though, which makes me think it's not hermie?
that's a banana alright...
terminate [the banana] with extreme prejudice.

A male banana is a very slight male flower on a female marijuana plant that is formed because of stress. Usually they do not let out any pollen early enough to make seeds, but they sometimes do.
( from Soma's article found here ==> http://www.420source.com/post/82 ... a good read)
