Whats the maximum amount of bud clf's can produce per 1 plant?

remember your name

Active Member
I want to know about how much bud can be grown per plant with cfl's i know it varies on different ways of growing etc. but on average cfl growers how much dry bud weight do you get per plant? Not talking about the people who just do the main cola, whole plants, thx


Well-Known Member
1 gram

nah jk lol. It really depends on the amount of light used man not to mention other things.


Active Member
I want to know about how much bud can be grown per plant with cfl's i know it varies on different ways of growing etc. but on average cfl growers how much dry bud weight do you get per plant? Not talking about the people who just do the main cola, whole plants, thx
well how many lights? wattage? space?


Well-Known Member
Well if you have 10,000 watts of CFL I would imagine that you could pull a pound out. If you had 10,000 Watts of HPS you could pull 10 pounds out.
FDD has mad love for CFLs! My first grow ever yielded 2.25oz/plant x 2 plants. I used about 10 42W CFLs mixed spectums. Pain in the ass to move them around during the stretch. Get yourself a 400W HPS. It's only slightly hotter than enough CFLs, and WAY more convenient / productive. That was my only grow with CFLs before upgrading to HPS, so I can't really give you an average.

remember your name

Active Member
Thanks for all the smart ass replies, to the few who answered seriously "on average how much do YOU get per plant with a cfl grow" was more what i was looking for. no thanks on hps i use cfl's i just want to compare with other cfl growers HOW MUCH DO *YOU* GET PER PLANT with your cfl grow

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
most novice growers might get half-to-a full zip per plant, keep that light 1 inch away i have 200 cfl in a bright wing set up, i keep them 1-2 inches away through out the grow with good results

remember your name

Active Member
most novice growers might get half-to-a full zip per plant, keep that light 1 inch away i have 200 cfl in a bright wing set up, i keep them 1-2 inches away through out the grow with good results
my first cfl grow i only got 1/2 oz dry weight, what did i do wrong? not enough lights? If i have more lights will i get more bud?


Active Member
Yes. The plant converts the energy it harnesses from the light into making you great bud. The more light it has to work with, the more bud it'll produce.


Active Member
Friend of mine got 37 grams (after drying) out of his aerogarden, 1 plant. Additionally it should be noted that an aerogarden is not actually aeroponic, but a drip system. 2mo veg/2mo flower indoor, with essentially perfect conditions.
i got 3 oz. per plant on average. had 7 plants. had 16 150w and 6 300w. and a closet that i could easly control climate and other factors. they can grow weed just fine, if you take care of your plants.


Well-Known Member
4 years ago I had a few grows with CFL, the first 3 pics show the results of 6x42 watt + 4 X 24 watt CFL for a total of 348 watts on 4 plants, the last 2 pics show what a 400 watt HPS can do with 8 plants.
Granted the CFL grow was like grow #4 and was fairly inexpensive and now were on like grow 25 with plenty invested. the CFl gave me 50 grams after 60 days of veg and 82 days of flower. The HPS yields significantly more, usually in the range of 400-500 grams and thats after a total of 14 days veg and 65 days of flower. Hydro helps that timeline probably more than the lighting does, but the yields are many times more dependant on light quality and strength.

Hey CFl works, im proof of that, but HPS is king of grow lights when it comes to yields and is the most bang for the buck.


remember your name

Active Member
im not saying hps isnt the way to go and eventually one day i will get one but i grow for my own personal use so im not like WAAAY concerned about getting a lot of grams. i agree 100% hps grows more dense buds but im not able to go that route for many reasons, ampage in my room, heat, no outside air flow/vent the price for hps and balast etc.