What's the most plant under 600W HPS?


Well-Known Member

I have a 7' x 3' x 8H grow room, will be using foil as a reflective material, on the dull side... Also the plants will be under 400W T5 during veg...

What's the most plants I can fit there?

Anybody with a growroom like this one?

I'm thinking 3' before flowering, but how tall and wide will they be by harvest time?


Well-Known Member
use something other then foil. white paint, mylar.. ect.
from a veg state the plant will double sometimes triple in size.


Well-Known Member
Yes thanks, other member JigFresh told me a lot of good info... thanks oddjob206!
I was reading the FAQ and it does say that the dull aluminum is only like 35% reflective...
Changed my mind will be doing white paint...
But... Another thing?

I should use the anti-fungus type of paint right????


New Member
Dude... bro, you don't want 3 foot plants indoors. You want 1 footers.... 2 ft. max. The most dense you'd ever need is 4 plants per sq ft. That's with minimal veg though. From seed you'd want to start at 1 plan per square foot.


Well-Known Member
Yes thanks...
Excellent feedback guys, but if I want to do it from seed, you say it's cool one per sqft, so that would mean for me, having twelve plants under the 600W HPS, will that be cool?
Is CO2 imperative? Can I get primo weed, from the genetics of the seedhouse without CO?


Well-Known Member
Ok, if I got it correctly on a 7'x 3' x 8H, with a 600W HPS, I would be able to do 21 plants... but that's only if they're clones and let them be a foot tall before flowering.

But I f I'm doing it from seed... Can I have 8 plants? How tall should they be before flowering, in order to have vertical space?


Well-Known Member
i have 2 600 hps's in a 3.5x6.5x7h box. right now i have 15 in there, and i could fit 4or5 more, but 3 are old mothers (huge). i figure i should pull about 27 ounces, maybe more, from whats in there now. i'm planning on running 21-24 12-14" clones once i get on schedule, and expect about the same (25-30 ounces). you might want to add another 400 or 600 hps. i have about 7900 lumens per sq' with the 2 600's and the plants love it!


New Member
You're going to get a 3' x 5' area out of that 600; 7' is too much to ask for. Start all the seeds you can, but figure to keep 1 plant per square foot or less. 8 plants is fine; by the time you've identified sex, they should be big enough to fill in that space. Top early at the 3rd node and tie them down to keep them short. Flower as soon as you've sexed them all, but try to keep them at or below 1' until you flower. Super-cropping is good for that. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I have 9 plants under a 600w, they were about 18 inches tall when I switched them to flower. They are doing great right now, but I would have switched them to 12/12 at around 12 inches if I were to do it again.


it depends u can have lots more if u use a 100 dollar light mover and do sog, or just a couple big girls i like keepen em short though i dont like pop secret pops alot u know what im sayin :joint:


Well-Known Member
my buddy is about to bring over 20 2 1/2 ft ladies tomarow, put em in flower under my 1000w. then throw my 30 clones under my 400W..Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
WOW, I though 600HPS would do just fine so...

For the same area with the 600HPS, what if I add during flowering an extra 400W T5?

These are the same two lamps 2-200W I'l be using for the veggie stage, will let them be a foot tall... and keep it to one per sqft... The only thing is they burn @ 6400K...


Thanks Guys and Girls... Please help me make my first grow ever look like that one of a pro!!!


Well-Known Member
i would say you'll be allright this time. after your harvest, invest in another 600 and you'll be golden. like i said, we have pretty much the same size box and my plants thrive under 1200 wts.


Well-Known Member
Hey Mr. Headie... thanks, yeah that's right we do. The only thing is this is my first time ever... jajaja.

Anyway, will do 21 plants, one per sqft in the 3' x 7' with the 600HPS along with the other 2-200W T5... for flowering.
For the veggie state the plants will go under the same 2-200W T5's... Even tho' with this system it will take me about an extra month to harvest... Because I would have to take the clones out of the pack of seeds, and it's only 10 of them.


If I just wanted to do it with female seeds and germinate all of the 10 in the pack to grom them to maturity, how many of them will fit in the same room and how tall should they be before flowering?



Well-Known Member
for your current grow, just remember to move your plants around so that they all get some good hps light.

as for your question on how many you could fit grown from seed, it depends on your method. i know the mothers i have i my box now are small bushes, and i could fit 3or4 under each light. i would think youd be able to fit 6-8 bushes in your box. my mothers were about 3 feet tall before i put them in the box. i tied them down to 2 feet, and i expect them to be in the 4-5 foot range when finished.

i would still look for your best female and get a good mom, and clone the crap outta her.


Well-Known Member
Correct, but that would be if I am to wait an extra month...
I'm from Costa Rica in Central America, not everything that you guys have available there is available here, unless you order thru the web.. I'm not so sure if they check this things out, keeping an eye out for dead giveaways... like a lot of equipment or that stuff.

I'll be growing in coco 50% and pomes 50%, as a hydro sustrate, which is the only thing I can get down here, or I could use coco 100%, they say there's minor and mayor elements for fertilizing with waterings, but I dunno about foliar...
Under those circumstances... I'll be posting pics and telling all about it, thanks for the help...