Whats the oddest food or combination of food you ate high?


Well-Known Member
Whats the oddest food or combination of food you ate high?:spew:

A few friends and I where smoking at a buddies apartment and there was nothing to eat. You know how it is sometimes kool aid but no sugar, milk but no cereal, ect.

So we had to improvise my friend ate a bowl of straight tuna and i settled with a slice of raisin bread with ham on it.

Bob Marley Chiefs

New Member
hahaha heres a couple of my combinations....pickles and mustard....spagette with cheddar cheese, parmesean cheese, can of cream and mushroom soup, can of mushrooms,and hotsauce!! and presto you have homemade cheepmans spagette!...lol


Well-Known Member
ham and raisin bread? sounds amazing...lol weirdest food i ever ate would probably be macaroni and cheese with ketchup on it...white people ;p

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
When I was moving into my new place I couldn't find where all my food went so I ended up putting together what I could find......result was a ham sandwich with salsa and salad dressing......For some reason adding the salsa seemed like a normal thing to do and I couldn't find the mayo and salad dressing is the same color.....

The sad thing is it wasn't the last time I made it. :P I call it a chilly-ham salad sandwich.


Well-Known Member
went to a nice place and ate snails as a app. then had a squid salad, then for my entree nothing strange pork with mashed potatoes. that was a nice meal that was strange. But i guess people are busting out the im desperate for food so i could also say fries with mayo all over them

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
went to a nice place and ate snails as a app. then had a squid salad, then for my entree nothing strange pork with mashed potatoes. that was a nice meal that was strange. But i guess people are busting out the im desperate for food so i could also say fries with mayo all over them
How was the squid? I've also heard of people putting mayo on hotdogs.


Well-Known Member
really good. I normally have it fried but squid was really good just sauteed and then put on a plate of greens


Well-Known Member
Most of the world eats their fried potatoes with mayo. Seems ketchup is an American thing, unless you go to the eastern shore where they serve the fries with malt vinegar =)

Really good munchie snack is Doritos, any kind, and french onion dip. Sounds kinda gross, but it's actually pretty good. I've never been into strange food combos like pickles and ice cream or anything but I like to take "normal" foods and mix them up a little. Peanut butter and cream cheese sandwiches with jelly, kielbasa with onions and mustard (recipe for heartburn), frozen pizza with Steakums, sauteed onions and peppers, and american cheese slices on it (this was freaking delicious).

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
digestive biscuit with nutella topped off with blue cheese, stilton is best.

tastes unbelievable!
if it's stilton you like, then it's all about colston basset. but that;s besides the point, as blue cheese is SHITE :P

i can't say i've ever had "odd" food, but i certainly go for a selection when i can :) i don't like eating lots of the same
