
Well-Known Member
Other than a ratings grab by NBC.

ABC had Biden scheduled and NBC rewards Trump with the same time slot? Wouldn't common sense indicate NBC putting Trump on the following hour?

Trump bailed from the debates, he shouldn't get a competing time slot. Everybody would like to see both to watch Trump lose more ground. The way he does everytime another lie comes out of his mouth. I wish I could ask a few questions about QAnon. And taxes, failed investigations about unmasking and why if pro-life is so important, did 218,000 people have to die?

But I wouldn't get any answers anyway.

What do you think about this shit?
Other than a ratings grab by NBC.

ABC had Biden scheduled and NBC rewards Trump with the same time slot? Wouldn't common sense indicate NBC putting Trump on the following hour?

Trump bailed from the debates, he shouldn't get a competing time slot. Everybody would like to see both to watch Trump lose more ground. The way he does everytime another lie comes out of his mouth. I wish I could ask a few questions about QAnon. And taxes, failed investigations about unmasking and why if pro-life is so important, did 218,000 people have to die?

But I wouldn't get any answers anyway.

What do you think about this shit?
My question to Trump:
"By suggesting that it could be a 400b person in their mothers basements, you really seem to have had a strong understanding of the Russian militaries attack on our democracy using trolls on every side of the argument to trick our citizens into thinking they were having conversations with actual people.

How did you come by this deep understanding of the troll-verse that has been so successful in hacking our democracy that they were able to make it look like you were a reasonable choice for president? And why have you not done anything to stop this attack on our nation?"

And when he gaslights with his 'I have been tougher on Russia..' nonsense I would jump right to a level 8 (on a scale of 10) 'Stop that right now! You will not dodge this question. I am not going to let you con our audience with your tricks. You had the sanctions on Putin's wallet lifted so they could continue their attack on our citizens.

Right now every chat feed our citizens are using are being flooded with militarized trolls to trick them into thinking you are the right choice. Why have you done nothing to stop this, and why do you actively help them be more effective?"

Maybe ABC and NBC are going to try to figure out how many people spend how long on watching each candidate?

Might be some interesting numbers coming out of this. Like many people start watching Trump, flip to Biden during commercials, flip back, and so forth and who they end up watching more. When they tune out all together.
My question to Trump:

Maybe ABC and NBC are going to try to figure out how many people spend how long on watching each candidate?

Might be some interesting numbers coming out of this. Like many people start watching Trump, flip to Biden during commercials, flip back, and so forth and who they end up watching more. When they tune out all together.
Even us old folks know how to DVR :bigjoint:
Totally a failure by NBC to be a responsible actor in this time of a national crisis.
What the fuck were they thinking?
Oh yea, I know!!!!
Let's make a lot of money selling air time, that's the American way, fuck being a responsible news organization that cares about fairness/honesty.
Fuck NBC
My question to Trumpery would be, How come you can spend 50 billion on a wall that may stop one murder by rapist and bad hombre's , but when it comes to killing A virus that has killed a quarter million good American's you do nothing but deny it's deadly or you even said it's a Hoax ?

Your Pro life Bull shit is just that Bull Shit !!! you're a liar and you have no idea what you are doing, Why are you running to be re-elected ?

Maybe their family knew what was up with these Moron's when they decided to change their names from Drumpt To Trump.

I would also ask, why are all your supporters pissed off when asked Questions ? After all you are the President they should be happy. But they are not.

I would also venture to say Trump may just lose at the polls in person voting I think by the looks of it that Folks are going in Person to vote so Chump can't disagree with the results of his loss with mail in Voting.. Many Brave American's voting in person taking their own lives at risk to make sure Biden gets to say to Donny, " YOUR FIRED "

Did You Know?

Trumpery derives from the Middle English trompery and ultimately from the Middle French tromper, meaning "to deceive." (You can see the meaning of this root reflected in the French phrase trompe-l'oeil-literally, "deceives the eye"-which in English refers to a style of painting with photographically realistic detail.) Trumpery first appeared in English in the mid-15th century with the meanings "deceit or fraud" (a sense that is now obsolete) and "worthless nonsense." Less than 100 years later, it was being applied to material objects of little or no value. The verb phrase trump up means "to concoct with the intent to deceive," but there is most likely no etymological connection between this phrase and trumpery.
Other than a ratings grab by NBC.

ABC had Biden scheduled and NBC rewards Trump with the same time slot? Wouldn't common sense indicate NBC putting Trump on the following hour?

Trump bailed from the debates, he shouldn't get a competing time slot. Everybody would like to see both to watch Trump lose more ground. The way he does everytime another lie comes out of his mouth. I wish I could ask a few questions about QAnon. And taxes, failed investigations about unmasking and why if pro-life is so important, did 218,000 people have to die?

But I wouldn't get any answers anyway.

What do you think about this shit?

despicable..even the networks are involved in this madness; the most important decision to be made in a contest where cheating has been pledged unabashedly by one party for ratings and ad buying?

you can do whatever you want when you're an oligarch..grab them by the pussy.

trumpy is scheming a way to get at that Social Security Trust Fund if he gets another four years..so anyone know someone who's getting SS or SSDI? you might want to let them know they could lose big if they vote him..he's counting on recipients dying and the big con.
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My question to Trumpery would be, How come you can spend 50 billion on a wall that may stop one murder by rapist and bad hombre's , but when it comes to killing A virus that has killed a quarter million good American's you do nothing but deny it's deadly or you even said it's a Hoax ?
Unfortunately, experts have already said most likely this virus is going to be endemic and will be with the human race forever. They also stated that a possible reason it is affecting us so hard (even though it is very similar to the 4 other common cold viruses) could be due to the novelty of the virus and symptoms may go down over time, but they have no idea how long that could take considering the other common colds have been endemic for 1,500 years at least.

We have successfully eradicated 1 virus in the history of human kind. I have very small expectations of this virus to do anything but become seasonal forever. This Week in Virology - Episode 664

On subject though, splitting the mainstream media in half between 2 "talks" at the same time just sounds like more of the same with mainstream media. Would be nice if they just invite other candidates to "debate" when the major parties decline to participate.
My question to Trumpery would be, How come you can spend 50 billion on a wall that may stop one murder by rapist and bad hombre's , but when it comes to killing A virus that has killed a quarter million good American's you do nothing but deny it's deadly or you even said it's a Hoax ?

Your Pro life Bull shit is just that Bull Shit !!! you're a liar and you have no idea what you are doing, Why are you running to be re-elected ?

Maybe their family knew what was up with these Moron's when they decided to change their names from Drumpt To Trump.

I would also ask, why are all your supporters pissed off when asked Questions ? After all you are the President they should be happy. But they are not.

I would also venture to say Trump may just lose at the polls in person voting I think by the looks of it that Folks are going in Person to vote so Chump can't disagree with the results of his loss with mail in Voting.. Many Brave American's voting in person taking their own lives at risk to make sure Biden gets to say to Donny, " YOUR FIRED "

Did You Know?

Trumpery derives from the Middle English trompery and ultimately from the Middle French tromper, meaning "to deceive." (You can see the meaning of this root reflected in the French phrase trompe-l'oeil-literally, "deceives the eye"-which in English refers to a style of painting with photographically realistic detail.) Trumpery first appeared in English in the mid-15th century with the meanings "deceit or fraud" (a sense that is now obsolete) and "worthless nonsense." Less than 100 years later, it was being applied to material objects of little or no value. The verb phrase trump up means "to concoct with the intent to deceive," but there is most likely no etymological connection between this phrase and trumpery.

'they don't send their best'.

that's because in trumps mind they're all rapists and bad hombres.
As stupid and desperate as he is now any TV appearance would be a disaster. If citizens are asking the questions he will talk over them and cut them off, he won't answer any questions. In the first debate Donald interrupted the moderator (alone) 143 times in less than 90 minutes. The more honest and direct the questions the worse he will be and the more votes he will lose. If NBC didn't host Donald's show, Fox would have and most people will be switching back and forth, if Donald performs like he did in the first debate, people will switch to Joe and mostly stay there.

The news media will compare and contrast the townhalls the next day and in the days that follow. Who do you think will come out on top, the guy who bullies, talks over citizens and attacks instead of answers, or the guy who listens empathically and answers honestly? Donald is stupid, impulsive, under a lot of stress and is arrogant, these qualities will come out as the heat gets turned up. Donald knows nothing, he has no plan and a lot to answer for, it will be another shit storm, the contrast with Joe will be apparent and that is what they want, a sharp contrast.

A regular townhall with Joe and Donald might happen in the third debate, but Donald would perform disastrously in such a format and will avoid it. I wouldn't be too quick to judge this event as a bad thing, as far as damaging Trump goes, we will see.
wouldnt be surprised if trumps team paid for the time slot since he has taken the most bizarre re-election strategy in history. Since he can't shout over Joe Biden in person, he wants to do it on an opposing tv station and hope he gets more viewers.
wouldnt be surprised if trumps team paid for the time slot since he has taken the most bizarre re-election strategy in history. Since he can't shout over Joe Biden in person, he wants to do it on an opposing tv station and hope he gets more viewers.
The more he shows his ugly mug and rants the better, he loses votes every time. He will be alone answering questions, the only people to attack are the moderator, the questioners and the audience. Every response he gives will not be an answer to the question, it will be word salad because he knows nothing, then moving quickly to an attack on Joe. Donald regularly attacks the press who ask him difficult questions, "I think you're a nasty person"!
Other than a ratings grab by NBC.

ABC had Biden scheduled and NBC rewards Trump with the same time slot? Wouldn't common sense indicate NBC putting Trump on the following hour?

Trump bailed from the debates, he shouldn't get a competing time slot. Everybody would like to see both to watch Trump lose more ground. The way he does everytime another lie comes out of his mouth. I wish I could ask a few questions about QAnon. And taxes, failed investigations about unmasking and why if pro-life is so important, did 218,000 people have to die?

But I wouldn't get any answers anyway.

What do you think about this shit?
It’s just like the First debate really . Trump trying to talk over Biden. It’s completely insane and I am not sure what I am going to do at this point. I already voted for Biden.

NBC's Trump town hall will likely be a train wreck — and viewers will flock to it
Yes, they shouldnt even hold the third debate. Nothing more needs to be said really, huge numbers of people have already voted.
I listened to morning Joe today and they started worrying me! They said that so many more republicans have registered to vote then dems and that the race is closer then initially thought ! And living around here and seeing all the signs and the nightly caravans of cars honking with Trump flags maybe he will win again.
I listened to morning Joe today and they started worrying me! They said that so many more republicans have registered to vote then dems and that the race is closer then initially thought ! And living around here and seeing all the signs and the nightly caravans of cars honking with Trump flags maybe he will win again.
I think it only seems that way because trump supporters by nature are alot louder and in your face than dem's. My state is solidly blue but people here arent so superficial that they need to put a biden flag on their monster truck and drive around honking their horn. In fact, i dont recall seeing any biden stickers in my town but he will win my state by a huge margin.
I listened to morning Joe today and they started worrying me! They said that so many more republicans have registered to vote then dems and that the race is closer then initially thought ! And living around here and seeing all the signs and the nightly caravans of cars honking with Trump flags maybe he will win again.
There are a lot more polls this year, they have been consistent and they are going into much more detail, also the number of undecided is down to 4%

Keep the faith, but everybody should vote, the popular vote is a mandate for change too, bury him with ballots. The republicans are panicking for a reason and running from Donald like he is on fire. Red states are now battleground states.
I think it only seems that way because trump supporters by nature are alot louder and in your face than dem's. My state is solidly blue but people here arent so superficial that they need to put a biden flag on their monster truck and drive around honking their horn. In fact, i dont recall seeing any biden stickers in my town but he will win my state by a huge margin.
Trump supporters are obnoxious and dumb as can be. Hopefully Biden will win Oklahoma in a surprise landslide. That would be quite wonderful really. The silent Oklahoma majority.
Trump supporters are obnoxious and dumb as can be. Hopefully Biden will win Oklahoma in a surprise landslide. That would be quite wonderful really. The silent Oklahoma majority.
Covid should slap a few back to reality, but it is okie! Here is the latest, I wouldn't be too optimistic about okie. The popular vote counts too, as does the margin of victory. I figure Joe has enough states to win 270 and then some, he could even get as high as 400+ ECVs, but people should vote as if their lives depended on it, because they do.

Vote out Trump or join the herd, as in immunity, looks they are mooing in okie.

Added today
President: general electionOkla.SEP 16-OCT 14, 2020D-
President: general electionOkla.SEP 16-OCT 14, 2020D-
