whats the problem here? Too much nitrogen?? Pics..


Well-Known Member
I have been watering my big pots (3gal 9''X9'''s) with 220ppm of the soil A&B house and garden nutes and 80ppm of cal mag with RO water to about 6.3PH. I have only been giving them 1 litre every 4 days or so...I wait until they start to droop to give them water. The first 2 pics is the one of concern, it just seems like it is droopy all the time?? Maybe because I LST's it all the way to one side and the stem is not holding it up right...? The 3rd pic is of one that is looking good...at least in my opinion...what do you think?? I have been super careful not to over water. So I hope it is not that. Maybe too much nitrogen?

I am just starting out, these plants are about 6 weeks since I cut them off my mom plant.



Well-Known Member
Are your containers getting good proper drainage? Really they look well overall. Clones often take a bit to root or, when transplanted, begin growing again. How about the light? Distance?

If they have holes then water like we talked about - until it just begins to seep from the bottom. Don't pour so slowly it can literally soak. In fact dump in your 1000 and then begin pouring more in a moment later. Don't worry about the volume required. Then wait a few days. Don't water again until she shows signs of drying. Those are tall containers.


Well-Known Member
MH1000 watt about 25 inches from the light. And I dont water enough to have anything come out of the bottoms.

I just looked at the bottle of the cal/mag I have been using. It is a 4-0-0 solution. So could it be I am using too much nitrogen?


Well-Known Member
I think the room is too hot, and your watering regime is all over the place. Dont let plants droop by not watering, it stresses the plant and sets it back. Also when you only water a little in the soil and not saturating you create salt build up, air pockets in turn the plant also is moisture stressed. Saturate when watering until runoff then water again when the saucer is dry and the top 3 inches are dry.


Well-Known Member
I think the room is too hot, and your watering regime is all over the place. Dont let plants droop by not watering, it stresses the plant and sets it back. Also when you only water a little in the soil and not saturating you create salt build up, air pockets in turn the plant also is moisture stressed. Saturate when watering until runoff then water again when the saucer is dry and the top 3 inches are dry.
The room is 73-75 with 50% RH...but yeah I need to water more I think.


Looks Cal mag like or at the worst if you get swoops on some leaves TMV..pray its not. H&G best in coco soil. I do a big resi mix 2 feeds at once put an airstone on the bottom and submersible pump the feed into the room. H&G all line with Primordial solutions Sea Green & True Blooms, Bud Candy, Rhinoskin, Nirvana & Budswel. R/O only 5 mls Cal Mag per gal.


Well-Known Member
just remember nitro deff starts from bottom up/similar to sunlight deff, but nitro toxitcity stats the the top/tips of the foliage and works it way down