Whats the problem?


Well-Known Member
i cant find anything that looks like this on the net, so if anyone knows what it is & why its happening please help. thanks all....
:joint:GREEN IS GOOD:joint:

nute burn...whats your ppm at right now. Ph? Also what nutes are you using and how far along are you into the grow veg or flower...more pics would deff be great. peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
it looks more like an nute burn to me. not too bad thought just feed water for the next couple waterings


Active Member
2 1/2 weeks into flowering Nutes are 10-60-10 i flushed well & it doesnt seem to be getting any worse so the damage is already done. My ph is 6.5 Temps 78f humindity is ranging from 48%-53% depends on time of cycle its a top 44 medical grow complying with I only have 2 plants so i want to get the best off of them i can. Thanks for all the help friends... GREEN IS GOOD!!!!