What's the smallest sized pot you would run two plants in?


Well-Known Member
How do you avoid the plant getting root bound with such a big plant in a small pot?
The plant was rootbound.

The purpose roots are basically a mouth for the plant. As long as there is a steady supply of food that mouth can eat.

You're not going to grow the trees with huge trunks some do in large containers or in the ground outdoors. But you can still grow good sized plants in 3 gallon containers.



Well-Known Member
The plant was rootbound.

The purpose roots are basically a mouth for the plant. As long as there is a steady supply of food that mouth can eat.

You're not going to grow the trees with huge trunks some do in large containers or in the ground outdoors. But you can still grow good sized plants in 3 gallon containers.

For some reason I thought it was still a problem even with lots of fertigation if in soil


Well-Known Member
The plant was rootbound.

The purpose roots are basically a mouth for the plant. As long as there is a steady supply of food that mouth can eat.

You're not going to grow the trees with huge trunks some do in large containers or in the ground outdoors. But you can still grow good sized plants in 3 gallon containers.

You can still get some decent trunks in 3 gallon containers.

Sorry it's only a little auto.

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Well-Known Member
I'd run them both in 3 gallon pots. I wouldn't put both in the same pot.

You can grow large plants in 3 gallon pots of soil. Anyone that says you can't is wrong. This is a plant in a 3 gallon pot. It ended up getting 10 ft tall. Of course you're going to be doing some training to keep the plants shorter instead of growing straight up.

did you have to water it everyday?
I get 3ft plants in 2 gallon i have to water everyother day in flower and its a pain in the ass

conor c

Well-Known Member
Depends if using air pots 15 liters is good if traditional type pots i go bigger 30 to 50 liters i grow in soil tho if coco u could get away with less