whats the STUPIDIEST sh*t ( not craziest ) thing you have done stoned?


Well-Known Member
lol thats jokes i'm back. okay well when i was in high school i used to co-op with a mechanic course anyways one day the boss was gone doing roadside assistance so i blazed a joint out back:) thought it would help clear my mind and it helpps me get into working, so 40 mins later im trying to replace a bulb in the gear shifting box and realize i totally forgot to get the bulb in the first place. so i go to get out of the door and i cant its locked i look around but i cant figure to get out i was in a lincoln and tripped out and thought i was locked in. so it turns out i had to wait till my boss came back to feel really stupid when he laughs and tells me to hit the lock. thats stupid! man i locked myself in from the inside!! lucky it wasn't a job i would have gotten fired.. good old co-op.


Well-Known Member
LMAO! Man you must have been SUPER baked to lock yourself inside a car. LOL! I can see that now.

nick the sick maniac

Well-Known Member
got really high with some friends and then went out to go shoot guns up in sultan washington (in the middle of nowhere in the woods of hick town btw) and when we ran out of fun stuff to shoot at i thought it would be funny to shoot the spare tire of my car with a shotgun. well after we get done and leave of course with my luck we get a flat tire and none of us got any reception on our phones so i had to walk a VERY LONG WAY to the nearest gas station and call a towtruck. and when me and the tow guy came back i found my car hotboxed and my friends had smoked up the last of my weed.

lets just say we were all a little more than pissed and we all got home very late that day. i took a lot of shit for that stupid ass stunt for a couple of weeks after that.


Active Member
i got a story:
Got very high, and decided to clean up my house. Picked up all the trash from the floor, coffee table, kitchen floor, thew away all the junk mail. Only to find out that i stuffed all the trash in my washer. That was a "holy crap i'm high" moment.


I think the dumbest thing I did (not too crazy just straight up dumb lol) is walk into a gas station store with a fake mustache, dressed in flannel w/ work boots, and bought a yoo hoo lmao.... I recently moved to the woodlands of my state and see some serious hicks..so I conducted an experiment to see if I can fit in, yeah I know absolutely ridiculous lol I was very afraid of someone noticing the fake mustache and thinking I was going to rob the store