Whats the weirdest animal youve gotten high and how did u do it???? haha


Well-Known Member
Ive made a water bong and threw my goldfish in there once lol. Fish seemed to be more calm after having his water turn into a milky color lmao

Ive also got my horse high through a steam roller, funny thing is he kept following me after words haha:mrgreen:


a field mouse i caught in my house in a live trap... blew the smoke in with a bendy straw.... let me find a pic...


Well-Known Member
our brains are wired difrently then other species.. so thc could have a diffrent impact on an animal. im thinking it could be very uncomfortable for some pets to experience this, i know when i first smoked pot i was trippen balls HAHAH


our brains are wired difrently then other species.. so thc could have a diffrent impact on an animal. im thinking it could be very uncomfortable for some pets to experience this, i know when i first smoked pot i was trippen balls HAHAH

i was gonna kill him anyway; we just dont do the spring traps here b/c of the baby.... but i figured if he was gonna die, the least i could do is get him high...:mrgreen:


i didnt do it, but i saw it; a friend of mine fed a piece of a shroom to her parakeet... wonder what it was thinking???


Well-Known Member
a hedgehog my ex bought me his name was chronic the hemphog... he kinda sucked as a pet.


Well-Known Member
I've blown smoke in my parrot's face and he definitely gets buzzed,

Nur YEARS ago Ib was sharing an apartment with a driend and his dog (a mutt) got hold of an entire gram of really good coke that someone had dropped on the floor. The dog survived, but it didn't move for 2 days.

Personnaly, I was disappointed that he survived. I paid $80 for that gram. (early 70's)


Well-Known Member
I've blown smoke in my parrot's face and he definitely gets buzzed,

Nur YEARS ago Ib was sharing an apartment with a driend and his dog (a mutt) got hold of an entire gram of really good coke that someone had dropped on the floor. The dog survived, but it didn't move for 2 days.

Personnaly, I was disappointed that he survived. I paid $80 for that gram. (early 70's)
thats hilarious


I've blown smoke in my parrot's face and he definitely gets buzzed,

Nur YEARS ago Ib was sharing an apartment with a driend and his dog (a mutt) got hold of an entire gram of really good coke that someone had dropped on the floor. The dog survived, but it didn't move for 2 days.

Personnaly, I was disappointed that he survived. I paid $80 for that gram. (early 70's)

thats funny right there; but only because i had a buddy who always had coke, and he had to make sure it was out of his cats reach... cat loved to lick it... she was a coke pussy:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Me and my buddy were tryin to crash at his house one night and his hamster thing kept running on his spinny thing so we put him in a bong without water and took a few hits.


Well-Known Member
thats funny right there; but only because i had a buddy who always had coke, and he had to make sure it was out of his cats reach... cat loved to lick it... she was a coke pussy:mrgreen:
i had a cat that did the same shit, knocked over my friends 20 lol


Well-Known Member
My buddies and I used to smoke out an alligator we abducted.We all lived in a massive house in sw louisiana ,Had a tattoo shop in the house and everything.Gypsy m/c club and a few guys and girls who wore hoods on special occasions.