What's this bs about indoor hydro weed being superior to outdoor/green house weed???


Well-Known Member
the sun's spectrums and UV rays cannot be replicated by any light, and it gives outdoor bud something indoors cannot. The terpenes developed in the flowers derived from the soil provide the best tasting bud, and really let the strains unique qualities and taste become alot more evident than anything grown in hydro. If you have the time i recommend checking out the strain hunter videos through greenhouse seeds on youtube or on the greenhouse site, they elaborate on the subject a bit more.


Active Member
I enjoyed this read very much! I'm an out door grower, but I think you can get great weed either way. Just depends on how much time and effort you give them.


Well-Known Member
I rarely get weed grown outside that is seedless. The weed market is dominated with mexican weed and they dont care about seeds or males. so for me hydro is the best simply because i put the attention into it and dont let males degrade my mj.



Well-Known Member
i've grown indoors and out for probly as long as some of the guys argueing here have lived. veggie i know you have me beat. anyhow outdoors beats indoors on practically any lvl, hands down. you can't reproduce mother earth. you may come close but you can't. outdoors-tastiest,best looking,biggest yeilding, and the best high hands down. it shouldn't even be an arguement.
i just love smoking out some city folks and having them be astonished when i tell them it was grown outdoors. that isn't to say indoor can't be good also, just never will beat well taken care of properly loved outdoor buds.


Well-Known Member
freddiemoney or whoever said all they can get is fresh hydro all year. my 8 month old outdoor i'd rather smoke than indoor i just harvested. properly taken care off it will just get better and better for about that 8 months. if your smoking something thats been cut less than two weeks your not getting the best of it.


Well-Known Member
as far as smokeability, taste and overall high, outdoor is the best hands down. But bag appeal wins indoors, becasue you can grow strains indoors that dont do well outdoors, outdoor plants got some ugly bag appeal a lot of times but are dank shit.

Its a shame 80% of people judge weed based on bag appeal, and then when they smoke it think they are higher because its "purple" or has "orange hairs" even though its all in their head. (this is why purps have been so overrated, take away purps color and they are any other street schwag)


Well-Known Member
I rarely get weed grown outside that is seedless. The weed market is dominated with mexican weed and they dont care about seeds or males. so for me hydro is the best simply because i put the attention into it and dont let males degrade my mj.

actualyl I think weed that ahs had the opportunity to breed has a better high, because the plant fulfilled its ultimate goal of reproducing its genes, so it makes a better mixture of cannabinoids cus its happier

What if you were a female cannabis plant, got no dick yur whole life, youd probably be a grumpy horny bitch right? Are you gonna smoke well if youve been a grumpy horny bitch and then get cut down? no

I figured out if you gangbang a female cannabis plant (give it multiple male partners) it smokes even better. I swear someday someone is gonna test this and prove it true.


actualyl I think weed that ahs had the opportunity to breed has a better high, because the plant fulfilled its ultimate goal of reproducing its genes, so it makes a better mixture of cannabinoids cus its happier

What if you were a female cannabis plant, got no dick yur whole life, youd probably be a grumpy horny bitch right? Are you gonna smoke well if youve been a grumpy horny bitch and then get cut down? no

I figured out if you gangbang a female cannabis plant (give it multiple male partners) it smokes even better. I swear someday someone is gonna test this and prove it true.
LOL, except the fact that a plant stops producing THC once it beans up. Once it has seeds that is the moms greatest concern, to care for her babies. Smokers have some of the funniest theories.


Active Member
damn...how could someone even argue this shizit! ... I grow weed indoors because of the "control", blah blah blah.... but no friggin way would I argue a indoor hydroponic tomato, green bean or any type of fruit could compare to anything grown outdoors... anyone arguing is smoking something (oh that's right almost everyone here is smoking sumthin he he he) :bigjoint: