whats this problem?


Well-Known Member
looks like heat stress to me. do you have a vortex fan blowing the air out of the room? you need good air exchange for a sucsessfull grow room. The air show be exchanged at all times for co2 comsuption. what are the room temps at the top of the plants?


Active Member
high 84 lows 64 but i think it is heat stress and i have air coming out
looks like heat stress to me. do you have a vortex fan blowing the air out of the room? you need good air exchange for a sucsessfull grow room. The air show be exchanged at all times for co2 comsuption. what are the room temps at the top of the plants?


Well-Known Member
Hygrometer (2).jpgin out (2).jpg This is a picture of my room, I have the out hooked up to an 8" vortex fan pulling air through my light port to cool the light and exaust the air out. The flex next to it is my house a/c my temp at the top of the plants is always 77, lights off its 67. The air exausts to my attic so it escapes out the whirlie bird on the top of the roof (no smell to the naibors) i also hang a Hygrometer at the top of the plants to get an accurate reading. I have a digital reader in my bedrrom that allows me to read the temps in my grow room at all times so i dont have to go in the grow room to see whats going on. Its remote...does this make sence?


Active Member
i dont have air coming in how woul i make the hole
View attachment 2164256View attachment 2164257 This is a picture of my room, I have the out hooked up to an 8" vortex fan pulling air through my light port to cool the light and exaust the air out. The flex next to it is my house a/c my temp at the top of the plants is always 77, lights off its 67. The air exausts to my attic so it escapes out the whirlie bird on the top of the roof (no smell to the naibors) i also hang a Hygrometer at the top of the plants to get an accurate reading. I have a digital reader in my bedrrom that allows me to read the temps in my grow room at all times so i dont have to go in the grow room to see whats on. Its remote...does this make sence?


Well-Known Member
Is it a bedroom with a/c hooked up in the room from the house? or is it an apartment? is it a bedrooom?


Well-Known Member
I looked at your journal, It looks like you have all the right stuff in the room its just hooked up wrong!


Well-Known Member
It looks like you have a vortex fan in the room. I also see you have ducting attached to the carbon filter, A carbon filter will now work unless the fan is sitting right on it, thats why it has the round flange on the top. The fan needs to sit right on the filter with no ducting! it just sits in the room and "washes the air" its the only way to activate the carbon. if it gets ducted its not strong enough to move the charcol around. thats number 1. But the bigger problem is the air exchange. Can you take a picture of the outside of the outhouse so I can see what it looks like. I set up grow rooms in Cali for people on the side, so you can trust I know what i am doing. I can walk you the whole thing and get you set up with a nice room if are willing to follow along?


Active Member
Alright this is what i was told the carbon filter sucks air from my room thru the air light thru the fan out the window, and ill take pics of the outside
It looks like you have a vortex fan in the room. I also see you have ducting attached to the carbon filter, A carbon filter will now work unless the fan is sitting right on it, thats why it has the round flange on the top. The fan needs to sit right on the filter with no ducting! it just sits in the room and "washes the air" its the only way to activate the carbon. if it gets ducted its not strong enough to move the charcol around. thats number 1. But the bigger problem is the air exchange. Can you take a picture of the outside of the outhouse so I can see what it looks like. I set up grow rooms in Cali for people on the side, so you can trust I know what i am doing. I can walk you the whole thing and get you set up with a nice room if are willing to follow along?


Well-Known Member
no A/C is not going to work, you will have a failed crop! you need to get a wall a/c unit and put it in that hindow that you have sealed up. Craigslist has a ton for cheap, but get a good one. Can you do that? if not i understand. But your grow is over if not!


Well-Known Member
make sure the fan is blowing into the filter, The reason it has the hepafilter on the outside wrapped aroung the main filter is to stop carbon particles from getting on your plants. so if you look at how the filter is made it will make sence. Its also called an Active Carbon Filter, but it takes the fan to activate it. Im just telling you all this so you understand it.


Active Member
if i put it on my fan the hot air will just blowinto my room
make sure the fan is blowing into the filter, The reason it has the hepafilter on the outside wrapped aroung the main filter is to stop carbon particles from getting on your plants. so if you look at how the filter is made it will make sence. Its also called an Active Carbon Filter, but it takes the fan to activate it. Im just telling you all this so you understand it.


Well-Known Member
its flat at the bottom
The Cabon filter is supposed to be flat on the bottom. The air come out the sides. Why would the air be hot going into the Filter? it should be the same temp as the room air. By the way, the outhouse is perfect!..lets get the filter thing down first then we can start on the room.