Whats this?


Well-Known Member
hehe, i wonder if it really fucks you up or if its just so toxic it messes with you a bit, i'd check the stuff out a little better before you start smokin it but, if ur not dead yet the chances are its safe :P happy smoking:blsmoke:



Active Member
he's probably just getting high off the resin left in his pipe. Smoking random plants is probably not a good idea.


Active Member
Hey I lived with an herbalist and studied plants. I randomly started taking care of a little baby herb plant for my friend and now she is a foot tall so I came to this website to read about her. However I am quite sure that the plant you have is called five finger ivy. A lot of people would confuse it for poison ivy although this plant is actually really good for you. To differenciate from poison ivy people used to say...leaves of five, stay alive, leaves of three, let it be. (three leaves of the poison ivy plant, five from five finger ivy) Five finger ivy is really high in vitamin c which is why it was so good por people back in the day becuase it was hard to get Vit c. let me know what the plant tastes like. Just pick a leaf and taste it....Does it grow up telephone poles and on the house. pretty much anywhere....ok, let me know..


Active Member
Hey I lived with an herbalist and studied plants. I randomly started taking care of a little baby herb plant for my friend and now she is a foot tall so I came to this website to read about her. However I am quite sure that the plant you have is called five finger ivy. A lot of people would confuse it for poison ivy although this plant is actually really good for you. To differenciate from poison ivy people used to say...leaves of five, stay alive, leaves of three, let it be. (three leaves of the poison ivy plant, five from five finger ivy) Five finger ivy is really high in vitamin c which is why it was so good por people back in the day becuase it was hard to get Vit c. let me know what the plant tastes like. Just pick a leaf and taste it....Does it grow up telephone poles and on the house. pretty much anywhere....ok, let me know..


Well-Known Member
C'mon ya'll let this kid smoke random plants if he wants to hopefully he won't find some jimson weed


Well-Known Member
Glad it works for you, but I'd be careful about smoking mystery plants before you figure out what they are. At least it wasn't hemlock.


Active Member
could be poison ivy or virginia creeper. creeper's sap has oxalate crystals that give some people a rash. dunno for sure tho