Whats up from Canada EH?


Active Member
Whatsup guys, im new to these boards, planning on starting a small grow once spring comes around and looking for all the help i can get.:weed:

Here's a bit about me, I live in the capital of Canada, Ottawa, I'm just a teenager living with his parents so an indoor grow is out of the question. Like many people on these boards, I just got sick and tired of paying to smoke some weed, so i thought to myself the other day, whats the cheapest way to get tree? Then I realized I should set up my own small grow, and I would have as much tree as me and all my pothead friends could possibly desire. I'm not looking to start up a business trafficking or anything of the sort, it would all be for personal use, and for my friends use.:bigjoint:

I have already thought of a location, there is a huge forest in a 5 minute bike distance of my house, that people sometimes walk through with their dogs, but there are PLENTY of areas deep in the bushes that no one ever enters! Right now I look out the window on my great city, and see the ground covered in snow, so as many people probably already know, there is no way to set up a grow in the middle of winter, I will be waiting till the snow melts and temperatures rise.

I am the Noob of Noobs when it comes to growing, and I will be on these boards often asking question after question. Simple facts like what is the best humidity, temperature, hours of sunlight, watering, soil, EVERYTHING you need to know when it comes growing. So nice to meet you all, pray that my grow mission will be a success, all info i will receive is greatly appreciated, and are there any other canucks on the boards?



Active Member
I grew two plants in a green house. Purchased two cutting of northern lights/bigbud cross. Put them in a tomato grow back in June.

Once they had reached four feet I put them in the soil proper.

Used tobacco water to keep bugs off and when ever i had friends round drinking had them piss in a bucket for one night ransferred that to gallon containers and watered the soil with that once a month.

By August they were nealy seven foot. went on holiday for two weeks so asked a freind to water them every other day. Alternating between fresh water and tomato feed. Pulled them over and tethered them to expose the under branches, then went on holiday. Came back after two weeks and couldn't get into the green house. Now this was an 8 by 6 green house and 8 foot high in the middle.

Buds all over it and trailers running along the ground with baby buds at every 5 inches.

All my friend had done was remove brown leaf and watered as instructed.
The crop lasted all winter and into spring. Not bad for a total outlay of £20


Well-Known Member
Welcome buddy
Faq will help a LOT
do you have a set up for getting pics up?
I've noticed every question is answered faster if there's pics.


Active Member
Welcome buddy
Faq will help a LOT
do you have a set up for getting pics up?
I've noticed every question is answered faster if there's pics.
Yup i have a digital camera and everything, once i start growing, i will have many pictures for you guys so you can see how my progress is going


Active Member
Yo dude you pretty much just summed up my life, im doing a small grow next spring with my freinds outdoor somewhere cause none of us have our own place. Im from Toronto any idea on what strain your gonna grow>


Well-Known Member
I welcome another canadian but I dont want to help kids grow pot sorry dude

all I can say is if you've seen some one in that forest theres been people lookin for dope in that forest


Well-Known Member
wellcome ontario grower! your making me paranoid.. I am canadian also, I welcome you, but as I said theres something about you thats making me paranoid


Well-Known Member
put the sativa down and back away im sorry I just dont like helping kids break teh law I do have a moral compass true it points slightly south but when it comes to kids thats another thing


Active Member
I am 18, but refer to myself as a teenager and a noob because im just a beginner at this and everyone else seems to have been doing this for a while now


Well-Known Member
I am 18, but refer to myself as a teenager and a noob because im just a beginner at this and everyone else seems to have been doing this for a while now

No offense, cause I don't care how old you are. But that is a lie if I ever read one.