Whats up to my old friends and hi to new ones


Well-Known Member
Been gone for a while, who remembers me? I'm putting together a book about psychedelics and shit. Should be interesting. Hopefully someone remembers who I am!
I remember you too buddy. I'm in kinda a bad spot right now, but I'm working on it. Hopefully the end of this year, I'll be good all around. This chick I'm with... If I knew then what I did now... I can't make money fast enough to hide it from her really fucks me up. I'm thinking of moving closer to work and away from her. (What chick in her right mind has two kids with someone else and expects the new boyfriend (me) to pay for all of the sit for those brats)
I remember you too buddy. I'm in kinda a bad spot right now, but I'm working on it. Hopefully the end of this year, I'll be good all around. This chick I'm with... If I knew then what I did now... I can't make money fast enough to hide it from her really fucks me up. I'm thinking of moving closer to work and away from her. (What chick in her right mind has two kids with someone else and expects the new boyfriend (me) to pay for all of the sit for those brats)
She'll keep expecting you to do it right up until you stop doing it.
Man it's worse than that my dude. I don't wanna air dirty laundry online but imagine a worse case scenario and make it even worse... I went for a trip to Texas to pick up some things, at a time when we had actually split up, and then she's like you spent our rent money and now we have no food no rent, you expect me to pay rent, and you can't buy me clothes, you can't get blah blah blah for my son, but you can rent a car and drive 2000 miles for stuff that doesn't work and blah blah blah blah blah whine whine whine bitch bitch bitch lol
Man it's worse than that my dude. I don't wanna air dirty laundry online but imagine a worse case scenario and make it even worse... I went for a trip to Texas to pick up some things, at a time when we had actually split up, and then she's like you spent our rent money and now we have no food no rent, you expect me to pay rent, and you can't buy me clothes, you can't get blah blah blah for my son, but you can rent a car and drive 2000 miles for stuff that doesn't work and blah blah blah blah blah whine whine whine bitch bitch bitch lol
Oh she got her hooks into you good, didn't she? Lol

Does she give amazing head or something?

Just giving you shit, bro!
Dude I've been trying so hard to get rid of her, I've called the cops on her even. They couldn't do anything about it. I think I give better than I get from her it's a long story full of backstabbing and other people making her believe stuff that's impossible. Wish I could still be going out your way man it's impossible right now with her but I'm so much wiser on that other note now than I was.. I feel like such a fuck up man. I really wish I was still where I was a couple years ago when I was driving all over, man I feel so down now like someone please give me a break but nothing
Dude I've been trying so hard to get rid of her, I've called the cops on her even. They couldn't do anything about it. I think I give better than I get from her it's a long story full of backstabbing and other people making her believe stuff that's impossible. Wish I could still be going out your way man it's impossible right now with her but I'm so much wiser on that other note now than I was.. I feel like such a fuck up man. I really wish I was still where I was a couple years ago when I was driving all over, man I feel so down now like someone please give me a break but nothing
Then it's time you found another place and just skated.
Dude I've been trying so hard to get rid of her, I've called the cops on her even. They couldn't do anything about it. I think I give better than I get from her it's a long story full of backstabbing and other people making her believe stuff that's impossible. Wish I could still be going out your way man it's impossible right now with her but I'm so much wiser on that other note now than I was.. I feel like such a fuck up man. I really wish I was still where I was a couple years ago when I was driving all over, man I feel so down now like someone please give me a break but nothing
She can't stop you from packing your shit and moving out.
It's my house as in my name my bills etc
You're in a tough spot. You'll have to plan things carefully.

First thing to do is to make sure there is no contraband and no valuables in the home. That way she can't steal them or turn you in for them.

Second is to make a plan. It's your call as to what you want to do of course- it's your life. My suggestion is that once you've made a decision, make a plan and then STICK TO IT.

Third, don't create loopholes for her- or for yourself. There has to be certainty.

If you aren't willing to do these three things then you're not ready. By the way, that applies equally to trying to make things work between you as it does to kicking her out.

Only you can determine what you really want from the situation. One thing I can tell you is that you'll be miserable until you've achieved a resolution, whatever it is.

I hate to see people suffer. I do wish you the best of luck and if you aren't ever going to be happy with her then the sooner you cut ties the better off you will both be.

And yes, this is experience talking.
Yup an obviously if you are here posting all this you should b ready to end it making yourself happy is what life is about relationships should enhance your quality of life and if they aren’t then it’s just bringing you down and that doesn’t make sense.
Yup an obviously if you are here posting all this you should b ready to end it making yourself happy is what life is about relationships should enhance your quality of life and if they aren’t then it’s just bringing you down and that doesn’t make sense.
I wholeheartedly second this.