Whats up with all the bro trucks?

I live up in the "mountains" and we get alot of snow so I drive a lifted gas guzzler in the winter to get around. I hate the attention it attracks. Most other trucks by me are farmers, just beat up work trucks. Not to many rich kids with extra money to throw around.

The fucking Peckerwoods (white supremacists) are the only ones I see driving those monstrosities around Vegas. Usually bumpin some awful white boy rap, or ICP or something equally terrible.
In Vegas you get the bros from San bernardino / riverside coming to cruise their pieces of shit down TGE strip and look for bro hoes.
Bro truck =

Bros =

In my parts we call those guys "chads".
Ya their kids who think their tough cus they have a few tattoos and enough money to wasted on a ugly piece of shit truck that makes them feel big and tough for once in their life.

Dudes like that piss themselves when real shit goes down.
cant get rid of them here. G.I's and gangstars love them and some are classy lower to the ground and are nice others its just like fuck do you really need to compinsate that much
Lifted truck with a shitty pain job and monster stickers everywhere, sometimes seen with dirtbikes or a spare tire in the bed. Ladder required to enter vehicle and the best view on the street.

I hate them.

Good to know they're in other places as well. I always thought they were strictly indigenous to NW Ga.

Around here we call the choads! They are SO confused, can't decide if they're gangstas, white supremacists, Rednecks or any combination of the three!! I laugh my ass off when I see them (It really pisses them off!)
this dude cuts me off at the boat ramp the other night. he's in a BIG turbo diesel 4x4. i asked him why he cut in front of me and he got all cocky. i just laughed at him and pissed him off more. so he gets his boat hooked up and jumps in his truck to pull it out. he throttles it hardcore until the turbos are kicking in and the thing is screaming, ... his tires aren't moving. he throttles it more, black smoke billowing, high pitch WHINE drilling my ears, sounds like she's gonna blow, ... his tires start moving. i finally yell at him to "HURRY UP!!!!!" he gets all badass and lets off, hits the Ebrake and jumps out. when he took 2 steps towards me and i stood my ground he stopped and jumped back in. floored it and drove away, while i stood and laughed. :)
he throttles it hardcore until the turbos are kicking in and the thing is screaming, ... his tires aren't moving. he throttles it more, black smoke billowing, high pitch WHINE drilling my ears, sounds like she's gonna blow, ... his tires start moving.
Did he forget to untie his boat from the dock?

BTW, lack of boat ramp etiquette is one of my pet peeves ! :fire:
This bullshit fucking around while people are waiting to launch/recover drives me over the top.
Get in, Get out.
now that truck is sick. How many get jealous when they see someones ride that has way more money into it then the turd you have to drive
Did he forget to untie his boat from the dock?

BTW, lack of boat ramp etiquette is one of my pet peeves ! :fire:
This bullshit fucking around while people are waiting to launch/recover drives me over the top.
Get in, Get out.

it had just gotten dark. i pulled up to the dock and was tying off when he pulled up to the end of the dock and jumped off the boat. he ran past me as his girlfriend idled nearby. i got to my truck just as he was pulling out of his parking spot. he makes a mad dash and backs down right in front of my boat and sneaks his "around the side".

i told him, "i'm in no hurry and really have no problem with you going in front of me. just wondering why you did it the way you did." that's when his girlfriend starts yelling at me to "just shut up".

my son was with me so i'm trying ton teach him proper manners. my wife said i should have just dropped him.