Whats up with Fox Farms Ocean Forest Potting Soil?


Well-Known Member
Im also using FFOF and to be honest, i didnt use any nutes during veg and got really nice looking bushy plants. I may use some of the Tigerbloom for flowering but the soil has a lot of nutes in it already.


Active Member
Just throwing my 2 cents, inured to use FFOF for my clones on the recommendation of a friend, but it was way to hot for young girls in my opinion. It seemed like it would take 2 weeks for them to start moving. I was leaning toward light warrior, but for the money pro-mix seed starter is 1/3 the price. I add about 20% perlite, and my girls love it. From aero to the pro-mix managing nutes myself they take off almost right away. Ocean forest is a quality mix, just too much money compared to pro-mix hp which is my go to when I transplant. Plus I prefer to manage nutes myself so I know what the girls are getting, I would probably get bored if I couldn't feed for 30days :p.


Active Member
honestly theyre all good if the grow stores advise them...they all are beneficial in ways if you dont want to have to add nutes a whole lot use fox farm if you enjoy the work growing makes use something different


Well-Known Member
regardless of whats in the premix i feed at 2 weeks i been using coco so i start feeding foxfarm grow big, superthrive, and b'cuzz root as soon as they sprout after 2 weeks i feed dyna-grow i need to invest a ppm meter but i nuke em untill they get minor burn, the premixed might have enough to keep them alive but not enough to make em fat if that makes any sense, you could survive on a piece of bread and a glass of water 3 meals a day but your not getting a whole lot of nutritional value from it basicly what your doing to your plants you limit their growth


Well-Known Member
Add perlite to the mix

Ocean Forest will burn your plants if fed while the soil still has nutes.

Happy Frog is best imo
This guy sounds like he actually has used both products......You are correct the manufacture says that Ocean Forest is "hotter" then happy frog.....Id use happy frog or id use a mix of the too but i wouldnt just use Ocean forest by itself...... Plus rep for you sir.....


Well-Known Member
iv used ocean forest before its a good mix i add a shitload of perlight to it but its expensive then you gotta haul the bags of dirt around. 20 bucks 1 bag maybe 2 5 gallon buckets

coco on the other hand you don't have to mix anything 1 block 10$ 3-4 5 gallon buckets

coco and airpots ftw you see growth rate almost at par with hydro:)


Well-Known Member
if you have never grown using coco choir you need to kill everything your growing now go out get some blocks and start growing the awsome way :)