What's up with Hillary Clinton's health?


Well-Known Member
You guys would be more productive if your tried to contribute to ending the two party system in this country so we had more choices. If we did I think both of the current choices would have already had to withdraw. The republicans don't need much help here since they won't support their own candidate, (f**k you Paul Ryan and McCain).

Unclebuck, get back to talking about the needs of the country or just STFU. Your obviously a Hillary shill with nothing important to point out.

** Hillary and Comey and Lynch for prison 2016 **
2 party system is inevitable under the current circumstances, watch this clip;

Get money out of politics, enact the 28th amendment that says corporations are not people and this problem goes away over night


Well-Known Member
She has late stage Parkinson’s and pneumonia is common in this stage. This explains all of her balance issues and dystonia like mannerisms with her head and expression. Dementia is another late stage symptom. She is unfit medically. She’s taking Coumadin, which is also know as Warfarin and is a rat poison, to thin her blood. That medicine causes damage to the Thyroid and the Thyroid medicine causes the blood to thicken. The Coumadin is for the blood clot she suffered from a fall, again another symptom of Parkinson’s…..

Seizures, pneumonia, thick blood and a damaged Thyroid? She’s a mess and unfit to be President. But, she could be dead as a doornail and they'd prop her up like Weekend at Bernie's and she'd still get 46% of the vote. Liberals are that stupid.
skewed polls. oversampling. climate change is hoax. david duke says so.


Well-Known Member
Bucks been out campaigning for Hillary, lol stoners laugh at your lack of supply/poor yield

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Get money out of politics and publicly finance elections and that problem goes away instantly
We know that the huge amounts of cash being injected into politics is the root cause of all corruption,getting it stopped is another thing,we saw the DNC conspire against Bernie & the GOP conspire against Trump,weve seen massive voter fraud where millions of dead vote,people paid to vote etc,we saw the wiki leaks evidence proving corruption all the way to the top,yet still people defend the corruption or dismiss it as normal.

As long as voters are willing to accept the corruption politicians have zero incentive to fix the system making them rich .