What's up with that?!?


Well-Known Member
By the way......... I'm a female & it's that kind of trash that makes men think they can get away with treating women like they're a cheap piece of meat & get away w/ it!!!
just dont post in this part of the forum, stay in the upper half. this is def. the first time ive seen a post like this, i wouldnt worry about it too much. there's lots and lots to learn on here. I for instance learned everything i know about growing from this forum, and the people on it.

its good, don't sweat it yo. :)


Well-Known Member
so you walk into this HUGE pot store. they have everything you could ever imagine and then some. the place is huge. there are cuttings on racks covering one whole wall. the opposite wall is trees. trees of weed under umbrellas of grow lights. every piece of grow equipment you could ever want. people from everywhere in the world politely offer anything they can. there's even a food court. the place literally ROCKS!!!!!!! so as your doing your thing and taking in the awe of this awesomeness you happen to see a turn out page of some porn magazine balled up in the corner. first off DO NOT pick it up and unwrinkle it. but you do. second DO NOT read it. but you do. third DO NOT read it all. but you do. now you want to run away forever because this place sucks. weird. i don't get it.

accept all for who they are and you will be welcomed into the arms of GANJA.


Well-Known Member
so you walk into this HUGE pot store. they have everything you could ever imagine and then some. the place is huge. there are cuttings on racks covering one whole wall. the opposite wall is trees. trees of weed under umbrellas of grow lights. every piece of grow equipment you could ever want. people from everywhere in the world politely offer anything they can. there's even a food court. the place literally ROCKS!!!!!!! so as your doing your thing and taking in the awe of this awesomeness you happen to see a turn out page of some porn magazine balled up in the corner. first off DO NOT pick it up and unwrinkle it. but you do. second DO NOT read it. but you do. third DO NOT read it all. but you do. now you want to run away forever because this place sucks. weird. i don't get it.

accept all for who they are and you will be welcomed into the arms of GANJA.

when did riu get a food court? i'm hungry:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i guess you would consider toke-n-talk as the lounge. bunch of stoned drunks in here. lol don't pick up garbage off the floor unless you are the janitor. just some good advise.

i love you


New Member
so you walk into this HUGE pot store. they have everything you could ever imagine and then some. the place is huge. there are cuttings on racks covering one whole wall. the opposite wall is trees. trees of weed under umbrellas of grow lights. every piece of grow equipment you could ever want. people from everywhere in the world politely offer anything they can. there's even a food court. the place literally ROCKS!!!!!!! so as your doing your thing and taking in the awe of this awesomeness you happen to see a turn out page of some porn magazine balled up in the corner. first off DO NOT pick it up and unwrinkle it. but you do. second DO NOT read it. but you do. third DO NOT read it all. but you do. now you want to run away forever because this place sucks. weird. i don't get it.

accept all for who they are and you will be welcomed into the arms of GANJA.
where is this store u speak of? I have not been stoned in 6 months....sounds like a perfect place porn and pot....:-?


Well-Known Member
OK ok. You all know that, that story was fake right?

Let's not play the slow person here.