whats up with the white pistils on top of my plant


bud bootlegger
pix? it sounds normal to me.. its a female.. the pistols, when dried, are what make the buds look hairy, like red haired skunk.. the red hairs are just the dried up pistols.. one way of knowing that the buds are getting close to harvest is when the pistols recede back into the buds and change colors..


the things is i got pistils coming from the top then theres a flower also on top an what looks like sacks underneath it could it be a hermie? just never seen a plant with both pistils and flower on top


Well-Known Member
the things is i got pistils coming from the top then theres a flower also on top an what looks like sacks underneath it could it be a hermie? just never seen a plant with both pistils and flower on top
if there are pistils and pollen sacs then you have yourself a hermie.


Active Member
its prolly just new flowers growing or its just the pistols growing out of that flower .. if it was a male or a hermi it would have little sacks growing ..

sorry skiped a post if there sacks it for sure a hermi