What's up with these buds?

Dr. Awkward

Can anyone tell me why these buds are so stretched out... and weird looking?

Strain: white widow from Nirvana
Light: 400w
Medium: bubbleponics in a Cool Cab
Nutrients: Dave's Grow
Temps: 80 - 90 degrees

It's been 9 weeks since flowering began.




Well-Known Member
are you suggesting that all of those pics show streched out, elongated buds that look "weird"?


Well-Known Member
I think that's just the strain man, no flower will be the same across plants

I've seen that elongation before in what turned out to be bomb dank so I wouldn't worry about how they look, its how they smoke that matters


Well-Known Member
you mean how the little buds petrude out from the main bud? or are you saying the buds in whole aare just long? LOL i just dont know what you mean.

Dr. Awkward

rzza - compared to other buds I've seen, these aren't tight at all and the calyxses (sp?) seem stacked up and sticking out individually instead of making a single nug.


Well-Known Member
ok i now see what your saying but listen ...your expecting your cola to be one BIG huge nug but thats not how it is, all along the top of the stalk are buds that smash together and form the allusion of a huge nug. with that said ...the toppest of each cola will be a real big nice ass nug. its just like how you break up a nugget and it seperates as you go up the stem. when you chop your plant down you will hopefully see that each of those buds are tight and dense.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
trippy maybe some c02 in there next time so they are denser or keep the light closer too. Nice tinker toys, you are not letting the kids play in there? LOL


Active Member
You have sativa in your strain. I have heard it called 'kings crowns' (when you look down onto the strain it looks like a crown) Your plants are still growing new buds- this is what you see. Try not to think of it as wierd- it's pretty normal. If you want it to go away though on your next round you can make sure you use no fertilizer that "grows" buds for the last 4 weeks of flowering. Also if you kill the CO2 after 4 weeks of flowering you will not have new growth.

Dr. Awkward

Engineer and hardroc - what you say makes sense, its the Sativa expressing itself. So if you were me, would you harvest in the next week?


Well-Known Member
Engineer and hardroc - what you say makes sense, its the Sativa expressing itself. So if you were me, would you harvest in the next week?
Get a hold of an eye loupe, or even better, a pocket microscope, and check the trichomes, see if a good number of them are amber in color.

Dr. Awkward

The way this girl is growing, the lower bud stalks (king's crown?) are turning amber, while the top ones still have white hairs growing w/clear trichs. The buds in the middle of the stalks are mostly white. Its a conundrum to me what to do - but I'm really looking forward to smoking this now...


Active Member
Engineer and hardroc - what you say makes sense, its the Sativa expressing itself. So if you were me, would you harvest in the next week?
I harvest according to the color of the trichomes. An electronics scope works well to check these. If you go to Radio Shack you can get a 30x-60x scope for like $10. Look at the trichomes and harvest when the trichomes show a mix of cloudy heads and amber heads. Keep in mind though that this is when I harvest. Read up on it and decide what kind of high you want and harvest accordingly.