What's up with this one?


Active Member
Just thought I'd like the experts opinion on this one.
Am taking care of a mates garden, while he's recuperating after an intimate encounter with a lamp post.
I am supposed to look out for males, but alas, having only ever used feminized seeds and not that many, I'm worried that something is pollinating his plants.
By the way, the plant in this picture is NOT grown from feminized seeds.

EDIT: Mat says they're clones of a presumably female mother.


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Well-Known Member
That just looks like new leaf growth to me. The plant throws out additional branching there. The male pollen sacs or female calyxes first show below that, in the crook of the primary branch.


Well-Known Member
That just looks like new leaf growth to me. The plant throws out additional branching there. The male pollen sacs or female calyxes first show below that, in the crook of the primary branch.
Sounds right to me. Don't worry too much at the minute. They don't explode the second they've appeared mate

This is one of my regular seeds that was a male... i wasnt sure until two weeks in to flower when its balls showed up lol


Well-Known Member
Picture 1 is a male in my opinion. Picture 2 isn't. If the pics are from the same plant I amend prior statements and it's a hermie. Keep in mind the sooner you remove it. The sooner you can spread out the plant a tiny bit further and allow a little bit more light penetration as well better ventilation. If you know it's a male or hermie what's the benefit of letting it hang around? Unless you want to make seeds but if that's the case you don't want to do it with a hermie.


Active Member
A HERMIE you say - well, I know they have been mistreated and stressed a lot, due to heavy neglect on the garden owners part, but as he's currently in a wheelchair awaiting months of therapy before he can walk (takes him about 30 minutes to get from his bed and into the chair), it's hard to blame him.
I will take more pictures of it today, to be sure it's a hermie before I slaughter it - it looks so nice and it grows strong and fast...

Pictures coming...


Active Member
When you guys say first picture, you mean the picture named "HuhOhNo" I presume?
If so, can you tell me why you think so (GOLDBERG71 and cassinfo)?
With reasoning and arguments it's easier for me to understand why you're saying it's male.
Anyhow, am going there now to water them and get more pictures...

AND THANX to everyone for chiming in...


Well-Known Member
When you guys say first picture, you mean the picture named "HuhOhNo" I presume?
If so, can you tell me why you think so (GOLDBERG71 and cassinfo)?
With reasoning and arguments it's easier for me to understand why you're saying it's male.
Anyhow, am going there now to water them and get more pictures...

AND THANX to everyone for chiming in...
The reason it looks like a male flower is bc it is most likely a male flower. I'd be very surprised if it wasn't.


Well-Known Member
1st one looks MALE (ohno), because that is a male flower. 2nd looks female but when the pistils come you'll know for sure. Just my.02. Good luck!


Active Member
Updated pics from today and I've cut down HuhOhNo and stuck her at the bottom of the compost.
The murder was committed 5 minutes after to these photos were taken...
What_is_this has started flowering nicely.
So while these two were in the same styrofoam bucket, I guess they weren't really clones from the same mother (as I was led to believe).
I'm really going to start marking my plants, so others can also tell them apart. My mate should have done that, before getting handicapped.



Well-Known Member
I am a bit confused. You said he said these are clones from the same plant. I have the understanding that clones will always maintain the sex of their source. If one is definitely a male then are not all the clones male? What was that Oscar winning movie where the guy walks past the bathroom door and discovers his "girlfriend" has a penis and he proceeds to puke??? Well...consider the bathroom door open.


Active Member
Exactly, I thought the clones were from the same plant, so was surprised when this was not the case... Thought it might be a hermaphrodite even, like you pointed out.
Thing is, he hadn't marked them and while he may have known what's what if he himself could go out there, then maybe. He was and is heavily sedated on chemicals - frontal MC accident, all ribs broken, punctured lung, fractured thigh bone and collar bone, heart almost gave out during surgery, as he had lost too much blood and he still takes 30 minutes to get from bed to the wheel chair.

The last picture is the only plant remaining outside, I'm not sure if is female or male, so I'm getting ready to cut it down, to potentially safe the 8 flowering females...