What's up with this wind!


Well-Known Member
Man, I can't believe the wind were getting here in NorCal. I've lived in this area since '67 and this is one of the windiest I've ever seen it. Glad I'm chopping most of my garden today, it got thrashed. First we had had a major down pour a couple weeks ago (that broke branches) now this wind! I'm not noticing a lot of broken branches but most all of my plants are all bent over, and I had trellis netting and stakes and tie-ups. I have my garden fenced in with wind blocks around the sides even. Good luck to everyone around the Sac. area.


Well-Known Member
Thank god my trimmers showed up this AM. I don't think my plants could have taken much more of this wind. They're still getting whipped around big time. I am trying to protect 2 plants that have at least another 3 wks to go. I've got wind blocks and got the plants tied up in the corners of my fence, so far so good with them. This wind has been non-stop since yesterday.


Well-Known Member
I"m down here in Merced and it's been nice and pleasant. you guys keep all those high winds up there where you're at. I've got a greenhouse to build.


Well-Known Member
Hope it all hangs together for the final stretch for you.

Where I'm at in Socal, we don't get a lot of heavy winds, but this year has been a little odd and we've had some pretty good winds...I've got my big girl, a 7'6" Super Lemon Haze, tied three ways at the bottom to stakes in the ground...she's so top-heavy, the whole plant was starting to lean over from ground level. This has been a fun first grow for me, but I can't wait until it's over and all I have to deal with is drying, trimming and curing.


Well-Known Member
I agee, it's been fun but can't wait til it's over. Trimming is your next big pain in the ass. I had trimmers come today let them take care of the bulk of my garden. It's was ready to go after the thrashing they got from the wind. I do have a few more that aren't ready yet that made thru the wind fine. Ill just deal with them one at a time myself, they're on the smaller side. But it sure feels good to almost done.