What's worse, MAGA supporters or French Canadians?

I thought Canada was all good until I saw this shit.

If only we had people who spent most of their lives studying viruses, guilding us on what to do during a world wide pandemic...but the good news is that FB tells us the truth instead.
You clearly have much to learn about Canadia. Look into the politics of Saskatchewan and Alberta.

I knew a Quebecois girl a long time ago. There was nothing wrong with her that a good soapy scrub brush and a razor couldn't fix.
You clearly have much to learn about Canadia. Look into the politics of Saskatchewan and Alberta.

I knew a Quebecois girl a long time ago. There was nothing wrong with her that a good soapy scrub brush and a razor couldn't fix.

I know, but at least those provinces don't shame you for speaking English when you visit.
I thought Canada was all good until I saw this shit.

If only we had people who spent most of their lives studying viruses, guilding us on what to do during a world wide pandemic...but the good news is that FB tells us the truth instead.

Definitely MAGAtards. The Quebec french, as bigoted and amusing to make fun of as they are, are unapologetically socialist. That's gotta be at least one rung above a Trumptard.
Well thank god they all head to the east coast of Florida in the winter so the fat guys can don their speedos. Actually French girls can be quite fun and they have cheap beer. Some of the best strip clubs are located in Montreal and the electricity is cheap. But yes they can be a bunch of arrogant, whiney fuck wads. I try to speed through the province when heading east. The only French I know is how to ask for lap dance so I’m kind of lost there.
I thought Canada was all good until I saw this shit.

No country is “all good” and the same shit happens in other parts of Canada too.

As for Quebec, yeah, it’s different but I’ve never experienced the hairy girl thing that others have mentioned. From my experience anyway, some of the most beautiful and friendly women in the world are in Montreal.

French girls are the best! They do it doggy style so you can both watch the hockey game.
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The massive global Anglo culture has an impact on many smaller cultures and languages and is seen as a threat. When I increasingly see instructions for technology in Chinese only, or English as an after thought, I kinda know how they feel. Now that the technology for making content has become ubiquitous and is as easy as a cellphone, they don't feel the pressure as much these days, but the language of technology and opportunity is still English for many.

Many Americans think of the entertainment industry as exclusively an American thing, but Artists and businesses contribute from across the Anglo world to the TV and media we consume. There are a lot of Aussies, Brits and Canadians in Hollywood, both in front of and behind the camera. I believe LA ranks as a Canadian city, in terms of the number of Canadians living there, most in the entertainment industry. That's why Canadian TV is so fucking bad, you stole all the talent, that's where the bucks are, however more American movies are shot in Canada than America at times (taxes and lower dollar).
Not too Trumper like from this, in America all those freedom loving rugged individuals would shit a brick. They don't fuck with covid clowns in La Belle Province, they arrest them.

They should allow Trump rallies at the border in fenced in areas, they could make a fucking fortune off American morons!

You Can Now Get Fined $4,500 for Not Wearing a Mask in This North American City
I‘ve never had that experience and I’ve spent a lot of time in Montreal.
Ya Montreal is a pretty cool place with lots of Anglos but head inland and things change. Also where I used to moor my boat for salmon fishing the French have taken it over and they can be quite rude and assholish :(.
Done a few fly-in fishing trips into northern quebec and have found that, for the most part, the people are warm and friendly. I'm willing to bet that most other provinces can individually, bozo for bozo, match the 'pur laine' bigots found in Quebec.

I apologise for the slur against bozos the world round.
Done a few fly-in fishing trips into northern quebec and have found that, for the most part, the people are warm and friendly. I'm willing to bet that most other provinces can individually, bozo for bozo, match the 'pur laine' bigots found in Quebec.

I apologise for the slur against bozos the world round.
I’ve worked, hunted and fished in Northern Quebec/Labrador and you’re right. The outfitters are very friendly and accommodating .......... the outfitters depend on being nice and it’s typically the indigenous that do the hard lifting. I’ve had a few bad experiences but that was always when alcohol was involved :(. Amazing fishing though ;).
And yes I do have a slight revulsion for some of the French governments (supported by the people), laws and mandates. I’m sure it shows lol. Keeping in mind they did want to separate from Canada :(.
Only experience I've ever had with French Canadians was in Mexico ironically. They owned a bar and were beyond rude. The was a hockey game starting and the owner told everyone to sit for the American National Anthem and told everyone to stand for the Canadian one. I have ZERO problem with them showing full support for their country but don't be disrespectful to ours. But I don't judge all FC on one incident
"MAGA supporters" as you call them, want nothing but the best for this country. Hence MAGA. Trump2020
And did everyone tell him to fuck off?
And did everyone tell him to fuck off?
It’s a bullshit story. He was probably acting obnoxious, like a typical trumper and they told him to sit down and shut up.

Now, it might have been said in jest (ironically, trumpers don’t have much of a sense of humour) but can you imagine a bar owner making people sit down and be quiet? That being said, this clown couldn’t find Mexico on a map, I doubt he’s even been there.
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