Well-Known Member
u did not account for the refraction off the tent walls ......that will increase the over all amount and lower the total fluffy amountYou have one Ac for two rooms. Usually about 50% smaller than you would if all the lights were in one room. It only has to cool half the lights at one time, therefore it doesn't need to be as big.
Saving of over $1000.
Circulation fans aren't going to change much. Not a valid point.
Two sets of timers for the lights, yes. One master controller for each room. Extra $500 bucks that you saved in AC.
Yes you'll need two co2 gens or tanks. Extra $300.
Humidity control, I don't like one dehumidifier for large rooms anyway, no failsafe. So no extra cost to use 1 in each small room vs 2 in big room.
You can run 50% more lights using flip flop as you can with one room. Let's say you have 100 amp service, and want to run 8000 watts.
You can put all 8 in one room 40 amp.
Ac to cool it 30 amp.
Dehumidifier 5 amp.
Your at 75 amps (maxed out)
Two rooms with 6000 in each. 30 amp
AC to cool it an other room 30 amp. Dehumidifier for both rooms. 10 amp.
Total amount running at one time- 70 amps.
Meaning people with limited power, flip flops is actually a lot better because of the split power usage.
The same 100amp service that can only run 8000w in one flower room, could do 12000w in two flip flop rooms.
You won't catch me dead using a tent. Rooms need to be insulated and have dedicated power to them.
and that is the room running on 220/240 for 30 amps
on 110 u are looking at about 11.2 amp start up and then 8 amp running
so have u account for the power box need main breaker of the 220/240 and then a sub panel for the 110
and again i would change out the HIDS for LED for lower power cost and heat build up with increased depth penetration