whats wrong here *PICS*


Active Member
can anyone help me. the top 2 pics here http://www.angelfire.com/on3/scdiablo/plants.html im using a 400w HPS, fox farm ocean forest soil and for nutes right now big bloom and grow big. temp is usually roughly 80F. humidity around 66%. im about a month into flowering. about a week ago i used 3 tsp per 1 gallon of the tiger bloom as directed. i noticed 1 plant has gotten real bad. i cut the leaves off that looked real bad. not sure if it was the right thing to do but it has plenty of others that are still fine. plus when i noticed today i didnt have my friends camera so i put the leaves on a scanner. a couple other plants also have this on leaves but it is much more minor. could i have used too much tiger bloom or could this be heat stress or light bleaching. the pic under is a couple days old but more of my top buds are having it. the newer leaves are real skinny and curled. is that heat stress or just normal since maybe its putting more into buds instead of leaves, i dunno. thanks everyone.


Active Member
i have the euro reflector for my light from htgsupply.com it hooks to the exhaust and has a piece of glass on the bottom so almost all the hot air gets sucked right out of the tent. but it still does stay pretty warm. i looked at pics on the net and it does look a lot like a mag or cal def. but i dont think this is the case here. i read tiger bloom has both of these. if anything im thinking too much phosphorus but im no expert. so many problems look so similar. heat has been a big issue i have been battling so it would make sense for the curled ones. i just want verification i guess. thanks tho guys, appreciate the feedback. any other info feel free to let me know.