What's Wrong With My 4 New Plants (PIC)


These plants are about 4days old

Using MG Moisture Control Stuff w approx 30% Perlite
Water every couple days when top of soil is getting dry

2 45w CFL, i know i need more but budget is low at the moment. They are approx 1inch from the plants, I moved them for the picture.

Help Please



yeah I will try to find some better soil in the area.. what is this problem? tips are getting yellow as well.. the one on the front left has a weak stem it appears and on the front right , on of the leafs totally 90 degrees up if you look closely...


Well-Known Member
yeah I will try to find some better soil in the area.. what is this problem? tips are getting yellow as well.. the one on the front left has a weak stem it appears and on the front right , on of the leafs totally 90 degrees up if you look closely...

nute lock , mg sux badly go to stealthy hydro website and get a good set of nute for like 40 buvks and get some shoil and etc for cheap as well its worth it

Kush baby Kush

Active Member
MG is very bad for growing mj. i'm certain that will cause problems for you eventually
LOL MG is not bad for growing mj look at my thread i use MG on my plants and they are HUGEEE that is nute lock lay off the nutes for a few waterings they will perk up.


Any reason why my plants look like this though? 1st one all stretched, second all twisted, yellow tips .... etc...?


Well-Known Member
its not nute lock.. MG is fine, just no so much for seedlings..try watering them when they dry out.. your light can be a close as 1-3 inches away from your plant(depending on heat). your doing fine, you dont need anything else right now or for a few weeks. keep watering keep the lights close make sure there is sum type of air flow and your good.. but to your question, looks like heat. what are your temps ..


No sure about the temps.. my fan was not running since the lights were not really producing heat, but I turned it on today, doesn't hurt.. something I had just realized.. I had another germinating seed into a clear plastic glass.. it was not growing therefore I took a look in the soil and noticed what appeared to be Gnat Larve, (tiny white worms) in the seed and around it.. I'm wondering if they have got to my other pots as well?? :S I did notice a couple small flies the 1st couple days, I didn't think it would be an issue but, I have read that if the Larvae are attacking the root system, the plant my have the same symptoms as a Nuts deficient plant...


I was thinking of putting a 400w HPS but my closet is too small.. and i have clothes in this closet therefore I don't think its the best idea... anyone else has suggestions about these symptoms of plants? and for lighting , what else could i do that is cheap enough..


Well-Known Member
u have enough light for right now. ur set up is fine right now.. as far as the plants..i'd just germ some more because fungus gnat larvae eat roots and the seedling root system is a delicate one.


Well-Known Member
sorry if i skipped it, just skimmed over all the posts. I would recommend some sphagnum peat moss and a REALLY good organic soil..just my 2 cents.


Active Member
u should get a bucket of plain dirt(from out side). go out side at night after it rained(needs to be warm out), take ur flash light and go on ur grass and walk slow and quiet. look in the grass there should be a ton of worms(if no worns try a different lawn). put the worms in ur bucket of dirt and mix any grass clipping, old veggies, egg shells, fruit, NO MEAT AT ALL. let it sit for a week or so, and turn the dirt over (u need to turn because gas will biuld up and kill worms). keep turning and feeding worn. it takes a little while for the worm castings to build up(the more worm, more castings) u can mix with cheap dirt. its a good and soft nuts for seeds and clones before u mix with soil put in a bag and freeze solid i mean solid as a rock should kill all bugs. go organic taste way better