Whats wrong with my leaves?


Well-Known Member
i just noticed this today, its seems to be only happening to one plant (so far), its happening to the bottom and middle fan leaves, the top fan leaves look healthy, really dark green...... i've looked around to find symtoms that match but havnt been able to find something that matches it exactly, so i figured i'ld get your guys opinion......i'm thinking it looks like its either mag or potassium deficiency?? im not sure though, this is my first grow.....so :dunce:<me

strain= dna Rocklock
light=1000 watt hps (aircooled)
soil=trying out a couple; miracle grow, super soil, and blackmagic.
water ph=6.0
nutes=cal-mag at half dose and ff big bloom at half dose.....i know i probably need better/different nutes but im hesitant because i dont wanna over do it and kill/burn them......

oh, i also have read that if the leaf stems turn purple or a reddish color during veg thats a sign that the plant needs more nutes, is this true? any help or opinions is greaty appreciated, thanks:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
:-(43 views and no replies.......let me put up some better pictures........

more info......
i put the girls on 12/12 yesterday. im flowering rocklock(dna), og kush and 1 big bud.......the rocklock's are the ones that seem to be having the issue i was looking closer today, under the rocklocks fan leaves, (which are huge and block all light to anything below the canopy) and some of center leaves (on the rocklock) look really deformed, curled up. from reading im figuring this is calcium deficiency as i am using r/o water. i put cal-mag in almost every watering but i never put more than a half dose, i think its time i up just about everything (water/nutes), i've been pretty much watering them and fertilizing them like i did when they where fresh clones......i overwatered them when i first took them out of the cloner and i've been scared to overdo anything since.......i went out and bought some ff grow big and tiger bloom today. im gonna start them on a very light feeding but i dont know which to start with, i just switched to 12/12 yesterday so im thinking they could probably use some of the grow big for a couple watering, then just water for a few more, then start lightly on the tiger bloom...? does that sound wright? i noticed some of the new growth is looking light green? also i was wondering if the deformed leaves on the center of the rocklock could be from it never getting light because of the huge fan leaves blocking it? i took some pics and im downloading them rite now, let me know what you think........thanks:weed:

*in the second pic you can see the plant i took the leaf off of thats in the picture in the first post. its the only plant thats getting rust colored viens on some of the older large fan leaves, also on the bottom of the fifth pic is a rocklock that i cloned with the others but it just never grew like the other ones, it turned this light green two days ago and im not sure what to do......nitrogen?



Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:bump..... could really use some opinions on what to start feeding....... grow big or tiger bloom? i just came from the grow room and all of there new growth is starting to look a lighter green.....


New Member
try raising the ph between 6.5 and 7
but i guessing its a phosphorus deficiency
get ur ph in range first,then if the problem hasnt ceased,add more nutrients


Well-Known Member
I have 2 out of six that got really bad,,,My La woman, and White widow,,,I just switched to flowering 5 day's ago. I',m using Fox farm soil and added no nutes till I switched to 12/12.
I feed them 2tsp tiger bloom, 1tbs Big bloom and 1/4 tsp open sesame. Things got really bad,,in 2 day's so I then feed them 1tsp cal-mag and 1 tsp grow big now they seem happy again,,,just with some scars and the big fan leaves. my other 4 plant's have no problems. Just giving you my experience. I never had this problem before?


Well-Known Member
try raising the ph between 6.5 and 7
but i guessing its a phosphorus deficiency
get ur ph in range first,then if the problem hasnt ceased,add more nutrients
ok, i'll try raising the ph 6.5, i cant bring myself to go 7, seems kinda high. what nutrients should i try adding if the ph doesnt fix the issue, Grow Big or Tiger Bloom?
