What's wrong with my pistils !!


I hate to say it but you ain't gonna get shit. You could try drying it and smoking it but.... Sorry man, I know you have a lot of time into this but I would let it go and move forward:)
yeah true .. i can see a lot of visible crystals, at least it will get me a lil bit high though right ?


Active Member
It will if that is actually weed;) smoke it and let us know. That thing is just crazy looking. Never seen anything like it (in a grow room anyway)


I mean it's the seed, not you. I'm saying I bet it wouldn't have grown right even in my system.
oh ... i think ur right ..i think i got ripped!! when i go back to Amsterdam again imma bang that guy who sold me those shiity seed from his shop :p


It will if that is actually weed;) smoke it and let us know. That thing is just crazy looking. Never seen anything like it (in a grow room anyway)
it's weed trust me .. it smells like proper haze but no actual buds !! :S

and btw i can even smell it from a distance ...


New Member
Google a video on "how to make ISO hash". Theres tons out there. Its a quick, easy, cheap method and its what I did with all my trim from my first grow. I had to chop 3 weeks into flowering and there was still enough triches to make some nice hash. If you go the iso method tho and you decide to cook the alcohol off make sure you have plenty of ventilation and cook it as slow as possible and no gas stove or open flame. This is what I came up with. I have a flat-top electric stove so it worked nicely. I even used fresh wet trim as soon as I chopped her. they say to let it dry out tho.



ok i started it on 12/12 8 weeks ago, started flowering 3 weeks ago maybe 4,check out how it looks on the last uploaded picture,video and let me know what you guys think. btw i forgot to repot before flowering so its in a kind of a small 6-7L pot. thanks


Well-Known Member
I thought this was 3 months flowering and i think most of us here thought that even tho the pics say 2nd-3rd week flowering. Stick with her if she has only been flowering for 3 weeks dont cut them down finish them and put up finished pics. Hella looks like almost pure sativa so it might take 10-14 weeks flowering but your fine. Next time put up more info and make sure you have the right times down cuz 3 motnhs flowering and 90% of all strains would be finished thats why we thought you had more of a problem on your hands but like i said 3-4 weeks flowering your fine might not produce a shit ton but you will have nugget.


New Member
oh what the hell man. lol. I was under the impression that your plant was 5 months old total, 2 months veg and 3 months flower. I think thats what everyone thought. If you have only been flowering for 3 weeks that makes a little more sense. Still dont think that plant is exactly what you paid for, but if you still got 2 months of flowering to do, then do it. Has it been showing any signs of new growth lately?


Active Member
Yeah, that makes sense. I thought it was 3 months into flower. Still a weird plant but maybe it will be badass!


New Member
is it still growing more pistils and shit or has it just dead stopped where its at? I was under the impression that those preflowers have been like that for 3 months


Well-Known Member
i have to agree with jack harer on this...not only is there alot to learn about MJ, but theres a million and one ways to do it, you also need a lil bit of common sense. bigger things take more energy to move, or to even operate...this extends to plants and made made machinery alike...take a lawn mower, versus a dragster...bigger engine, more gas, produces more energy, and consumes just as much. ok, now plants...a bean grown 12/12 from seed ( 7 weeks flowering time) { i have grown this way and know} your looking at a small plant probably 18-24" tall at maturation. you can probably count on one hand the ammount of fan leaves on it...fan leaves are Mj's mini engines...store food, give food...not a whole lot of energy produced, and used to build the plants structure, and ultilmately buds. Now take this monster of a plant, and cut damn near all its leaves off, and this is what you get!!! a tall spindly, and extremely airy bud developed plant...not to mention a lack of calyx production. she just doesnt have enough energy to support proper bud production.