whats wrong with my plant? first grow help


Hey guys my first grow going here. Its been going for about 3weeks now and started off good until a few days ago i noticed some yellowing and brown spots on some of the leaves and certain leaves are drying out. I only gave here nutes once so far and the ph has been stable. I water about every 3 days once the soil dries out. Can anyone give me some advice on whats wrong i would really appreciate it. Not all the leaves are yellowing just a few.

Here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
Looks to me like she wants N and P, but 'stable' means nothing.
What is it?
What kind of nutes, how much, how long ago, and lastly, is there a chance you're splashing on the lower leaves when you water?


I fed her once so far on my last watering. Im using fox farm nutes along with fox farm ocean forest soil. I used 1/4 of the recommended amount of nutes there first feeding. I fed her about 3 days ago