whats wrong with my plant? help please?


Well-Known Member
so are u saying that when plants need nutes the stem goes purple? its ph 6.5 in plagron and yes im measuring nutes correctly following the chart i have using syringes mixing them one at a time
Certain def. and some toxicities cause the purple stems.
You said shes the mother of the other 11, which says shes older and bigger- which leads me back to rootbound. This would explain why your not having problems with the others. Root bound may have been the root cause of the probs, but now they've just compounded into what looks like a complete lockout


least u have 11 clones, best advice (1st time grower too) research, research and more research and if u see the same advice on at least 3 diff sites tend to go with it!!!! gl with it all
Certain def. and some toxicities cause the purple stems.
You said shes the mother of the other 11, which says shes older and bigger- which leads me back to rootbound. This would explain why your not having problems with the others. Root bound may have been the root cause of the probs, but now they've just compounded into what looks like a complete lockout
serioussss thats bad so basically because shes rootbound it led to a lockout and no matter how much nutes i gave her they didnt have any affect is that what ur sayin?
least u have 11 clones, best advice (1st time grower too) research, research and more research and if u see the same advice on at least 3 diff sites tend to go with it!!!! gl with it all
well technically there not clones anymore im gunna flower them sometime this week as they are all reaching the 18 inch mark :)


Well-Known Member
serioussss thats bad so basically because shes rootbound it led to a lockout and no matter how much nutes i gave her they didnt have any affect is that what ur sayin?
Thats usually the way it works. Now i'm not saying that that is your prob, just thats what it appears to me.
Hope it helped


Well-Known Member
Give her plain water tap or Ph and let run off DO NOT ADD MORE NUTES!!! give her a few days checking if you need to water or not,big plant in a small
pot drinks alot,when she perks up a bit and the problem is not worsening foilar spray a diluted dose of nutes about 1/4 strength let sit for 20-30 minutes
and spray again with plain water.


next time make sure u have correct pot size otherwise u may find yourself in the same predicament, gl with the 11 :D


Well-Known Member
next time make sure u have correct pot size otherwise u may find yourself in the same predicament, gl with the 11 :D
I just took this picture right now,this plant is in a 1 gallon pot and flowering with no problems right now,but this plant also looked like OP plant
and probably would have had more bud right now but i didn't water it enough.It just took me like 5 minutes to water her cause i was gonna transplant
her but i put her back so the soil us kinda high so i gotta slowly pour water.BTW the pot is 7 inches and about 1-2 inches of the plant is slanted cause
it was tied down so it's about 18-19 inches



Well-Known Member
how much and how often did you feed the? im still saying nutes are a major part of the problem along with salt build up.
I would transplant now b4 flower. Then when you start seeing new growth flip the switch. Remember they can dbl even triple in size by the time they finish flowering.
thats true they do keep growing bigger, but how can i exactly tell when theyre rootbound? and what if they are rootbound in flower?