What’s wrong with my plant?? I’ve been using regular ph 7 ish spring water. With indicaja soil. Is this over nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Yea, vinegar or citric acid are organic.

Although minerals are in my eyes they all come from the ground.


Brilliant! I do believe this is nitrogen burn possibly other nute burns. Like I said I’m not a pro so don’t take my advice but to me it looks the issue

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
So what I’m hearing is that bottled water isn’t the way? Even if it’s big jugs of distilled water?
That is not what I said. Distilled water comes in bottles...you can use that. You just need to use water that is appropriate for cannabis...google it and read up on it to learn why. Spring water is not the play. You can also use RO water or tap water, but making sure your pH is good is a good practice.

Is there anything I can do about the spring water that’s already fucking up my plant?
Nothing. Your plant is fucked. It is 4 months old and a month into flower. You can salvage what you can and just treat it better going forward and finish it out as a learning experience...but I would not expect much...your next grow will be better...might as well start it now, honestly.
That is not what I said. Distilled water comes in bottles...you can use that. You just need to use water that is appropriate for cannabis...google it and read up on it to learn why. Spring water is not the play. You can also use RO water or tap water, but making sure your pH is good is a good practice.

Nothing. Your plant is fucked. It is 4 months old and a month into flower. You can salvage what you can and just treat it better going forward and finish it out as a learning experience...but I would not expect much...your next grow will be better...might as well start it now, honestly.
Honestly makes me sad :/ but she grew in a garage basically for 3 months of her life in 40 or worse weather so she’s a trooper. What issues could I encounter flowering? Even though I will be having proper ph levels next watering with any luck. Don’t worry I’m not expecting much buds