Whats wrong with my plant ! PICS!


New Member
:o My plants bottom leaves are dying and now some higher fan leaves yellow and wilting . Could be because I gave a good dose of nutes , didnt over water much I dont think a 1/3 gallon about into a 3 gallon pot . shes 35 days 4-5 days flowering .



Hard to tell cuz pic quality, but u probably used to much flowering nutrients too soon, you wanna go about half strength and make sure ur ph is spot on


New Member
Yeah probably I only used about half strenght but was the day she started flower , so i put some grow nutes in too

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
ooh ok soo the day you changed her cycle to bloom you think you over feed her? idk i think if you over nuted her it would show faster then 5 days maybe it messed your ph test your run off and maybe add some lime?


Well-Known Member
I think you all are just grabbing at straws blindly and will probably just freak him out with multiple issues to look at...

OP: Give more details, lights, soil composition, etc...and for the love of god find a better camera...take pictures of individual leaves with issues, and the entire plant including the pot :)

Tip: If your soil was good rich soil to begin with you don't need to be using any nutrients for the first 30-45 days at least...so it could be salt lock if you have been using nutrients for the entire grow for no reason ;)


New Member
it was good un nuted soil could be salt lock because ive been feeding her the whole grow , but she looked beut until today , better cam later . 3gallon led light 100w with cfls , I hope I can make it past this blonder!


Active Member
No matter what, its not that bad. dont do anything drastic and if you were using a soil with no nutes, you should have been feeding from week 3 on. It will be ok, dont stress and dont jump the gun with messing with her. good luck


New Member
ok thanks everything on the top looks beautiful including the flowers , but fan leaves and bottom leaves yellowing and dying , I fed her last saterday now im wondering when I should water her again with just water , but scared to because over water might be the problem , I had a baby die because over water mistake a while back . ph is all good