Whats wrong with my plant?



This is my first thread that I've ever posted but I need to know what is wrong with my plant.
I am new to growing this is my first time trying to grow. I am in Sydney, Australia and ordered:

1 x Northern Lights feminized seed
1 x Cotton Candy feminized seed

It's been about 3 - 4 weeks now since I planted the seed. The northern lights is growing great I think, but the Cotton Candy one seems to be getting yellow leaves and sort of looks like mould is growing on it. I'm not sure what this means, I just used organic potting soil and a little bit of organic plant food which contains fish meal, seaweed, blood and bone and composted manure. I am also growing this outdoors, I'm not sure if it gets enough sunlight as it is usually covered by other buildings, so that might be the problem.



Active Member
to start what soil are you using, looks to be a little nitrogen deficient, may be time to feed (looks like there is an aweful lot of bark in that soil mix).

Po boy

Well-Known Member
you're off to a great start! getting more light and longer during vegging is the best you can do. keep the leaves green. gl


Im only using some "Yates" General Purpose Potting Mix. The plant seems alright now. Think it just needs more light. Thanks for you help. :)


Well-Known Member
They look great to me man... As stated though, the one in the first pic does look like itz beging for a lil more N, but, with different genetics, u will see variations in sizes and growth rates, and such... As far as the mold goes, I'm not exactly sure if I even see it, or if it IS there, why it is, but full sun is what they crave, and being shaded COULD be the culprit in this... I'd definately do some investigations during different times of the day to see if the bldgs near them r shadowing them... I would recommend using some diluted liquid seaweed as a foliar spray, which should give the vegetation a coat of protection form mold or other issues. I'd only do it from time to time during veg though, as foliar sprays of any kind, incl rain can definately set up breeding grounds for molds to form... Overall, they r looking good to me so far... Good luck in your first grow man...