Whats wrong with my plant???


Hi Guys, I really would love some help here...

I really have no idea whats going... Im doing everything right but shes growing slowly and droopy and getting these weird browns spots..

Im watering once a day and using the plant food as i was directed. Shes been growing like this since she was about 5 cm... the leaves are very light colored green too?

photo (11).JPGphoto (10).JPG

Am i under/over watering? too much/not enough plant food? i dont know why the leaves are droopy and losing there grennieness:(

It kinda looks like shes not getting enough nutirents, thoughts?

Please help


Weed Modifier
i agree... looks hungry...try raising the dose of nutrients a bit for a few feeds and see if it helps... as long as the plant stops fading you should be good........but you may loose the couple leaves at the bottom of plant...no worries though :)


Well-Known Member
yea she needs some Nitrogen .. what kind of hydro system are you running and what EC ?

need more info if you want some of the hard core hydro guys to help here ..

but more Nitrogen in Veg is needed or she will use her reserves in the lower leaves fist ..


hmm.. Well i increased the nutrients, she shot nearly 20cm and up until 2 days ago the parts where the leaves were yellowing seemed to be coming back to green.

Now she still seems to be yellow from the bottom up but only the lower of the plant. Everything up top is okay but when she grows higher the leaves at the bottom seem to get yellower.

Also her drupieness has kind of been fixed which is good too.

I just think she maybe missing something?

Im using a med/large grow tent
2000w grow light
carbon filter
2 x oscilating fans
temp is perfect

Feeding the exact recommened dosage of bio-vega plant nutes by hand 1 times a day. Should i increase watering to 2 x a day?

Many thanks

Miss Babbs


Ph is around 6.7, oh no how can i reduce? i also tested the water I use and thats about the same 6.7, how can i reduce?


Well-Known Member
poopstain :wall:, is it smart to put nutes in free standing water????? like how this plant is.. i imagine it being easier to nute burn. ive never done hydro


Weed Modifier
poopstain :wall:, is it smart to put nutes in free standing water????? like how this plant is.. i imagine it being easier to nute burn. ive never done hydro
well in hydro its a flood and drain system.
long as nutrients are mixed correct (with water) it will not burn them unless you use too much nutrients.
i don't see nute burn in these pics...imo its a deficiency...or could even be a lockout due too improper ph levels


Well-Known Member
well in hydro its a flood and drain system.
long as nutrients are mixed correct (with water) it will not burn them unless you use too much nutrients.
i don't see nute burn in these pics...imo its a deficiency...or could even be a lockout due too improper ph levels
definitely looks like an N def, but look at the pic, the plants just chillin in some water, no pumps, just water and rockwool.


Well-Known Member
2K grow lights and tent .. filter and evrything els .. but you never heard about PH and how to correct it ?


definitely looks like an N def, but look at the pic, the plants just chillin in some water, no pumps, just water and rockwool.
But the flood and drain system has a massive 280 liter bucket underneath the main tray with pump, heater and big air stone in it, its progammed to flood the tray it sits in, then drains down back in the reservoir. The plant has no choice but to sit and chill in the rockwool. I think thats why people use grow cubes because it actually very easy to get air to the roots.

Mr Ganja THANK YOU so much for your time and effort, its much appreciated, wish i could hook you up with some buds if it all work out :)


2K grow lights and tent .. filter and evrything els .. but you never heard about PH and how to correct it ?
haha good point, this is the newbie section right?

Well i do know about it and was concerned, but i was advised from some fuckwit at the hydro shop not to worries about ph untill your about to go 12/12.... obviously that dude knows nothing.

This same fuckwit advised to use only have the recommended dosage of hydro plant food till your about to go 12/12. I think this resulted in the plant getting very hungry and thats why its looks like its a N def. No im using the recommended dosage it defintly looks better than it did and has grown a fuck load.

Im gonna fix the ph asap.


Well-Known Member
haha good point, this is the newbie section right?

Well i do know about it and was concerned, but i was advised from some fuckwit at the hydro shop not to worries about ph untill your about to go 12/12.... obviously that dude knows nothing.

This same fuckwit advised to use only have the recommended dosage of hydro plant food till your about to go 12/12. I think this resulted in the plant getting very hungry and thats why its looks like its a N def. No im using the recommended dosage it defintly looks better than it did and has grown a fuck load.

Im gonna fix the ph asap.
hydro shop guy=satan