Whats wrong with my plant?


Active Member
3 days since i transplant this plant from my yard to this pot.. when i was moving it to the new place the stem broken but still attached, i tied around it a leave then electric tape.. it looks it works till now..
But i found on it some black points on the leaves and some yellowing leaves.. what's the problem? what should i use like nutrients? I bought some iron should i use and how much?


I bought Iron for plants should i use it or what do I need?


Active Member
i wouldnt give it anything but a little water til it recovers but iron no more like an all purpose fertilizer i would use alaska fish emulsion fish pooh 7 bucks at walmart


Well-Known Member
dont do much for now. let it recover. transplanting that severly (esspesialy in flowering) is really stressful for the plant. so watch for some balls just in case