What's wrong with my plant?


New Member
Where is the problem with my plants?

Soil-Compo Sana Unirvezal
Fertilizers- Atami Terra
To regulate the pH of vinegar
Tap water ( 152ppm / 7.9ph)


3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
Have you tested the ph after the vinegar treatment? Or is that what it is after the application? I noticed you have other plants; are they all like this? Same strains? I would think that you are having a lockout of Nitrogen, check the PH. If it is too high or too low the plant can not uptake the needed source.

Check the runoff water after you feed and see what the PH is.


New Member
I watered the plants I always check the pH (controlled on the 6.7ph vinegar). The problem has appeared in five of the 40 plants. Is it wise to use vinegar to adjust the pH?
I do not know how to help plants:(
Yesterday I washed soil with water (to control the 6.8ph)

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
I have no used vinegar so I can't speak on that. I use PH up and PH down from from general hydroponics. It very could well be chlorine and some other element that's in your tap. go to wal mart, buy a 5 gallon jug for $13 fill it up for 1.85 everytime after. 5 gallons for 1.85 isn't so bad especially when it's pure as can be. You will have great water to treat your plants and in time you can see if it's your tap. But since all 40 aren't like that, it's possible that it could not be your tap. Maybe, the vinegar, maybe not i've never used it.


Well-Known Member
vinegar is a no-no and that right there is toxicity i think because you will see it at the top rather than the bottom, where is a deficiency. id reccomend a flush with 1/2 strength nutes and no vinegar.


Well-Known Member
yea my money also go on a PH issue, with a Nitrogen/Mg deficiency to follow, I would also skip the vinegar, rather use Tap directly or if possible collect rain water


New Member
Thanks for the replies. I will not use vinegar to adjust the pH. I ordered PH down Hesi ( growth and bloom). I do not have the possibility of using rainwater. How to take action now? To add water or wash soil?


Well-Known Member
Wash soil with distilled water, and try to get magnesium in her.. Looks like mag deficiency. MY bet this solves everything :leaf:


New Member
Can I use purified water (RO-reverse osmosis)?
Distilled water is expensive, but distilled water has a pH of 7.7. Is not it a little too much ph?


Active Member
try filling a jug with tap water & leave it for 24 hours then test the water even if the ph is the same ??the nasties in the water will be gone
cheers fil7


Well-Known Member
yes RO water will be fine

but Im also thinking about if you maybe end up over watering, are you in your final pot/Bag`s ?

I could see my self make a repot of the worse looking one, with some fresh soil (try to make some of the old loose soil fall off with out getting to hard on the root ball) and give it all a good watering with some fresh RO to "flush" some of the old water out of the root ball, I believe your soil is to acid so it cant get to the nitrogen and Mg


Well-Known Member
Its a heat issue or recent light change or relocation. Raise the light and cool it down, get a peak mem thermometer.


New Member
Thanks for the reply, they advised me to do 10% of a mixture of fertilizer and spraying the leaves of the plant. Is this ok? And then the RO water to wash soil? The plants I have planted in the smart pots 11L


Well-Known Member
nitrogen toxicity on some, mg def on others, odds are the water, nutrient solution or medium pH is too high, mg gets locked out while nitrogen likes a slightly higher pH.


New Member
Now I do not know what else is wrong :/ Some say I'm too much ph, others that I have low ph. How do I do nothing? My water has 7.8ph / 156ppm and I have 24 hours leave in the tank. Should all plants now wash with water? What exactly should I do?
Please tell me your aren't using city water. That's a major NO NO. Use reverse osmosis water, PH it at 6.5 with a good PH up or down. Use quality nutrients that have all the proper elements AT THE PROPER LEVELS. Use Cal-Mag. If you do these things you won't have problems.


Well-Known Member
Its mag def. Just add some Epsom salt to a spray water bottle and foliar feed. Maybe soil drench with water and Epsom salt. Be all good in a couple days. Ro water is not a must. I do organics, super soil . I use tap water. Just aerated it for a day. Do not use a Cal mag mix jute. Always have them seperate. The problem with that is there is always more mag in there than Cal. Too much mag will cause Cal lock out. Dolomite lime has trace of mag and Cal and regulates ph. Oyster shell flour has lots of Cal and regulates ph. Epsom salt has mag, sulfur, and oxygen. Coco also buffer ph like oyster shell flour and dole lime. If you need a bottle one. Calplex is just Cal.


New Member
How much epsom salt I mixed with water? A can repeatedly sprayed the leaves? Then if I got to mix water and epsom salt and sprayed the leaves and wash the plants with soil espom salt? But what I ph adjusted when I do a mixture of water and epson salt?


New Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This morning I sprayed with a mixture of epsom salt the leaves, the plants look better 12 hours (more dark green leaves)...I saw that the soil is dry now and have watered. Should now I water the soil or wash? I'm a little confused, the one telling me to wash with a mixture of epsom salt (I can not use ph down). Others say we should do 1/2 mixture of nutrients (fertilizers grow and can I use ph down) and wash. [/FONT]