Whats wrong with my plant?

the formula

Hey I'm having a problem with my 4 week old plants. The bottom fan leaves are turning light green then yellow then brown. Its even working its way up to some lower lower leaves on my shoots. I'm using subcool super soil. I don't use any nutes except a four part myco and humic acid combo. There's no fertilizer in them. I do have snome Humboldt Verde that is high in nitrogen and I foiler fed her yesterday with that but I used at most half strength cuz i nute burned the hell out of my other plant with blood meal trying to lower the Ph. Its just now in the past 5 days started to grow again so I'm real Leary about adding any nitro. The new growth is lush and green its just thefan leaves and a few sun or water leaves on the bottom few nodes that are affected. I don't over water my Ph is between 6-7 depending on where u stick the meter. Plant is about 14" tall with atleast 10-12 nodes and shoots coming from everywhere. This is my first grow ever I am using 3 42 Watt 200 Watt equivalent bulbs on top and a bunch of 100 Watt equivalent bulbs on the sides. (Cfl's). Here goes some pics of it and the yellowing leaves.


the formula

I like this site but I have nothing but constant technical problems with it. It took about 25 tries to get these two pics to post. Sorry I'll try to put up moreIMG_20130526_142827.jpgIMG_20130526_142203.jpgIMG_20130526_142111.jpgIMG_20130526_142111.jpg

the formula

IMG_20130528_144906.jpg one more pic. Its like they are being sucked dry slowly. A few have fallen off when I just gave em a little bend but they were wet in the stem still. Idk. Help!