What's wrong with my plants? check pics


Active Member
Oops. Can't get the pics on line.

I planted these 2 diff. types of plants (sativa and indica) in clay pots near the end of April. I don't have access to a PH tester, but I've been using the correct dosage of Dutch fertilizer and the soil I'm using was ph 6.5.

I'm getting a soil tester in a week (locals are out).

I'm growing indoors, but we have so much light in our apartment that I can keep the plants in pots in sunlight for at least 4 to 5 hours a day. I was putting the smaller plant under stronger lights at night (don't have all the fancy equipment so I'm using halogen plus flourescent) then someone told me it's not good for the plants to have so much light at night. So now they are sitting quietly in a dark room at night and I bring them out in the morning as I read morning sun does them the most good (though they get afternoon direct sunlight as well). I've also increase the size of the pots as they grow. I'm poking holes in the soil to aerate the roots. I mean, I'm working my A_s off here!

I've been reading all the forums from several sites and have tried to implement all the good tips I've found. i.e. slightly crushing the stem near the top when I see it starting to flower, topping them. I still don't understand most of the lingo as I'm new to the do-it-yourself club, but I'm getting there.

I just don't understand why my plants look so sparse. I'm using perlite soil. Not over/under-watering or over/under-fertilizing. I'm even using urine from time to time fer cryin' out loud. Any tips gratefully received.

P.S. I would have posted the pics but I'm supposed to have them online and I don't know where to do that.

I'm an old "hippie" vintage 68-69 and just got into this 3 years ago. Peace and Love, guys.